“There’s no denying Jeff looks much older than me, which can cause people to roll their eyes when they see us,” she says. “They automatically assume I am just another girl after his money.
“I don’t blame them as it would be my first thought too. But I would still be with Jeff even if he lost the house and went bankrupt.”
She says: “My mum is super excited – she has always wanted me to have this fairytale life. She compares me to Julia Roberts out of Pretty Woman"
We always tend to blame the girls, but look at the man as well.
What kind of man takes a girl he has only met once before, on an exotic holiday for a start!
Then to add to it, he buys her diamond earings on their second date!
Personally, I think a man like that is only ever going to attract one sort of woman, so I haven’t got a lot of sympathy for him - sorry.
Well, I agree. They met on Tinder which is a dating app. She put her age range for men up to 60 years old…so they are both as bad as each other. I don’t see it lasting too long
So they say, Muddy.
I’ve never been either, so I couldn’t possibly say.
I think Pixie’s probably right though, and they are both as bad as each other.
I just wish these people would be honest, and say they just want a bit of fun, instead of pretending to be deeply in love.
Remember that woman of 80+ last year, who was going to marry that Greek or Italian young fella? She was even on telly one morning talking about their sex life!
I wonder what ever happened to those two?