Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be able to detect a subtle fragrance from a man again…
These masks have limited my own use of a soft perfume for over a year now.
What’s the point?
I like Clinique personally, but to be honest, if it smells nice on me, I wear it. When I was in my 30’s, I had a thing for Anais Anais, and recently my daughter confessed she hated the smell of it…smelled like cow pats she said! And here was me wafting around thinking I smelled like flowers on a spring day!
I used to wear Givenchy III or Arpege by Lanvin, but can’t get either now. They have relaunched arpege, but either is isn’t the same or my tastes have changed, so praps I’ll stick with the Eau de chien humide
I like that oldie, White Linen. Only wear it when we are going off out somewhere. Once I’ve had my swim in the mornings it’s a good body covering of Impulse body spray. It’s the only one that the scent lasts, those supermarkets cheapies are useless.