Ah, now you’ve got me. My darling wife first grabbed my attention when she sang impersonating KK. She even dressed and looked like her too, but at only 4’ 10" somewhat shorter. Before we married she was my lead singer.
Not all great singers need to have a powerful voice. I think the main charm she brings to the table with her vocals is her believability. She isn’t spot on key but adds plenty of personality to make up for it. People can relate to the things she sings about in her down to earth style which grabs at the heart strings of the average person. There’s no pretentiousness in her singing style. She’s a story teller.
I’m very average and she does nothing for me:)
You’re too average
I could be completely wrong but her sales and popularity means she’s got a style that many like. ( for whatever reason that is )
Yes she’s very very popular but popularity doesn’t necessarily mean quality
I told you that you tell it like it is
What I think it is anyway.There is a difference
The word quality is subjective to personal taste and preference.
I second that … it’s listenable, pleasant enough and I can hum along to it but it’s not memorable and I’d forget the song in six months.
She’s a pop singer … so that’s the sound she churns out, ‘popular’… to reach the highest sales.
There are some who seem to be in it just to make the music and success is welcome if it comes,others mainly for the money.
This song won’t be going on my playlist - it’s another of her sad songs.
Hearing it once is enough.
Adele’s songs seem so maundering and depressing to me - if they come on the radio, I find myself wanting to switch channel or click the mute button.