Abolition of Cash - cashless society

Ha! You beat me to it Vlad…And they won’t have to worry about equal opportunities by employing a Black person, Asian, Chinese, Polish, Disabled, Gender neutral or Geordies…

A gimmick.

Yeah right.:lol:


Proponents of a “cashless society” argue that paper money facilitates corruption, organised crime, and even terrorism. However, critics point out that electronic payments cannot be made without leaving digital traces, potentially allowing the government to snoop into our business even more than it already does. Also, transaction fees for small amounts can be prohibitive, and some people worry we would be making ourselves more vulnerable to cybercriminals and hackers.

Saving with cash is easier for many than with a credit card, the current right to a basic account in Europe can not prevent high fees for card payments and those in need do not have a card reader. However, the European Commission is planning a European-wide law to limit cash in 2018.

From German consumer protection organisation.

" We, as a consumer protection society, see no good reasons for the abolition of cash but, of course, there are stakeholders who are interested in such a thing, such as banks. If we imagine there was no cash then, in the case of a financial crisis, consumers could not come up with the idea of ​​simply withdrawing their money and then placing it under their pillow or in a safe… The “bank runs” we have seen in other countries would no longer be possible. Negative interest rates also become more attractive if consumers cannot withdraw cash…

Of course, some businesses also support this idea, because if everything can only be paid digitally – and because digital transactions are not anonymous – you can harvest a lot of important and interesting data, from which you can build advertising and marketing strategies.

There are, therefore, many stakeholders in the economy interested in abolishing cash for their own benefit.

That link you posted Cinders loks exactly like an earlier post of
Do you think l should sue??

Just wait till the capitalists get their hands on robots??
The banks are only the test flights because it was easier to do
with banks?
Do you think the elites wil allow us to sitnaround al day while
robots earn our keep for us like they do ??
I wonder what they have in store for us???


Robots already keep their keep.

Do you mean that robots allready earn their own keep Besoeker
Or that they earn the keep of the elites??
I suspect you meant the latter?
My question is, what will they do with us ordinary mortals ??


I bet we end up making Mash Potato.

Robots have long memories.:wink:

I already make mash potato. Quite often almost daily, but not quite but often. When I feel like it
I also do chips and fries. (Those thin things)

We will be making it on an industrial basis, for no pay.

You just have the same point of view. :slight_smile:

Give them all a deadly virus to thin them out a bit Donkeyman…Wait a minute…:017:

Shopping yesterday purchased goods with cash £20 then had to wait 10 minutes for change. The lady thanked me for my patience as she went to other tills. £11.02 in coins. :smiley:

My little refuge for one pound coins in the car is overflowing with all denominations of coins and looks like a pirates chest…:frowning: Just can’t get rid of them…:017:

I don’t. Robots are just robots. Not intellectual giants.

I have a jar with a digital counter on the lid. Every day this year I have put a £1 coin in so I will very soon have £365 to treat myself to something nice.:slight_smile:

Well done, pamper yourself. Nearly made it through this awful year is something to celebrate.

That’s a great idea Flowerpower, let us know what you decided to spend it on…:wink:

Thanks. You just don’t miss a pound do you?

Will let you know how I spend it.