ABBA have got together

Oh yes, happy days.


Why the return. it isn’t money related is it.


I look forward to listening to what they have to offer now. :slightly_smiling_face:


New song - vintage video followed by new video (at 3:48)


Thanks Omah, I just can’t get to grips with this tag business. :cry: I know what to do, and when I type in a 2nd tag, I usually get a pop up telling me that “this tag has already been used”??? So I just have to faff about till I can get somewhere to accept the post. :cry: :zipper_mouth_face: :flushed:

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I don’t think so, the fans have been at them for…ever. So maybe they just finally said “why not”

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I have not seen that message concerning tags but I have seen it concerning titles.

I suggest that the next time it happens send me a PM and I will investigate.



I thought they all hated each other .


So did I, maybe the films has something to do with them getting together?
I still can’t see why, if they want to make a come back, they aren’t just performing live like so many of the old singers/bands are. Tom Jones, Rolling Stones, Dolly Parton, to mention a few.

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IIRC, Agnetha hates travelling, particularly flying.


The faces and bodies are older, but they sound exactly the same as when they did back in the day. They’re doing a virtual tour shortly with the members of the group being represented by electronically generated avatars.

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Erm … I’ve already posted that … :wink:

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OOps. :wink:


Still, we can’t have too much ABBA on this thread … :laughing:


Thanks Judd :+1:

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I do not see age, time past, has anything to do with peoples enjoyment, whether music or belly dancing…easy for people to say why and don’t…
having more of an Open Mind keeps you younger in so many aspects for your good health… and an adventurist, you could be… :innocent:


Yes, I used to be an ABBA fan too … they had such a ‘clean’ sound.
I seem to remember it was considered ‘naff’ if one admitted to be a fan. :lol:
I’m looking forward to hearing them again.
Incredible to think all those groups from way back then are still going.


God Almighty those avatars are just stunning. I used to have the hots for Anni-Frid and, watching the video, I’ve just realised after 34 years, what attracted me to V :heart_eyes: in the first place - she was so like Anni-Frid in appearance.


that would be… Cliffy R…Chillie6’s favourite singer… :innocent:


Is that the new release … I still have faith in you?

I thought it was pretty awful. It made me cringe.
It sounds like a Eurovision song entry , cue Sweden to probably elect them and one of their songs next year.
And …it was a bit too funereal.

Abba have the distinction of been only quite popular when they were a performing band in the 70’s but achieving mega status and becoming living legends afterwards, helped by an army of tribute bands.
They should have just kept enjoying the royalties rolling in and not risked destroying their own legendary image.

I bet all the tribute bands aren’t too pleased.