Would you consider yourself pulchritudinous?
Nope, not me. I’m around animals most of the time and dressing up like Lady Muck wouldn’t do.
Am I the only one, who had look that word up!??
I didn’t look it up just waited for someone to explain and I’m still not sure.
I don’t know what it means. I looked it up and now I’m more confused
Is it just another word of beautiful?
Must admit I’ve never heard it myself too! Imagine going up to someone and saying you’re pulchritudinous - they’d probably think you’re insulting them
I am sure most people would think that as well.
Maybe even a slap across the chops for good measure.
Physical Beauty. : curvaceousness, shapeliness, voluptuousness. the quality of having a well-rounded body.
As a geezer, beholding is getting thinner on the ground of late
No,i am just an ordinary female who likes comfort.
Pffft. Perennially perfectly plain.
Dreadful word for a chat up line, I couldn’t even pronounce it now never mind after a couple of drinks during a romantic encounter!
Well I’ve been called beautiful before but certainly didn’t take it seriously.