A penny for your thoughts?

If you share some of your knowledge with me it could be rather lucrative.
The Phrase was first “Coined” in 1522 and at today’s rate the term would be, “$2.50US for your thoughts?”
So tell me your esoteric and eclectic thoughts and make some good dollars.
To receive payment simply PM me your account details for me to make a deposit. :joy:
$3.47AU, 1.93 Pound Stirling. $3.28,CAD, 2.20 Euro

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My BH’s father has just bought a penny.It cost him $50,000.
Her mother’s thoughts are not printable at the moment.

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Wow, I am sure you would never print such terminology here. :grin:

I wouldn’t be able to spell a lot of the words.

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What penny was it? :slightly_smiling_face:

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A penny farthing?
Believe it or not even I wasn’t old enough to had farthings. The hapny was the smallest coin we had.


It’s a 1930 one.That’s all I know.When someone wakes up I’ll ask for more details :grinning:


This could be his.I knew he was trying to get something off.


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Thank you for sharing!
I’m into Numismatics :smiley: the history is so fascinating!

I’ve not seen any Aussie coins before.
It’s an extremely rare coin since it’s so fine. I wonder what the mintage numbers were since that so influences a coin’s value.

The penny was a product of the Great Depression where in 1929, there was such deflation due to Australia’s economy shrinking significantly, it caused a lower demand for currency.

This resulted in no pennies being ordered to be minted by the government at that time.

However, due to the ‘accidental’ minting of the 1930 penny, there ended up being 3000 produced, but only around 1500 ended up in circulation, with many of these coins being damaged and discarded over the years.*


I’m wrong.It wasn’t that one.He rejected it.He paid 50,000 down from 55.
He’s now saving up for a Holey dollar - Wikipedia
It should take him another 80 years.


That’s why he started :grinning:

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Hope you haven’t slipping sedation medication into folks tea again?

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@Bretrick A penny? You tight wad!! I bet you squeak when you walk​:wink: :grin:
I do have some old coinage from when my grandparents ran pubs + pawnbrokers and some of them are worth far more than their face value :+1:

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Don’t have to,the gin does it.

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$3.47 now days. Splashing out.

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YUP, that’s the one I was reminded of .

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