Blimey realspeed, did you do a flypast to get such a clear shot…
OGF here is what i did, others may even take several shots and do what is called “stacking” but I didn’t
The very first thing is to try and get a really clear sky and no mist halos around the moon. So the best time I find is in the winter when it is cold and is frosty in the following morning. This is then about he clearest chance for a shot like this .
Next is what to use and obviously the better the camera and lens helps but also a tripod using a remote shutter release to stop camera shake as much as possible when taking he picture. also if possibe to take the photo in RAW or 4K against the Jpeg format. This then allows a better range of editing adjustments
Yes the photo was edited to bring out the crater shadows and clearer definition of the surface. Here I wanted to capture the edge of the moon , Trying to get a shot face on just didn’t work. One reason is focus ar this distance with what I used was not worth the effort.
Getting a little closer I did manage this
Now into the realms of stupidity. if you consider the average camera takes a photo of say at 35mm , this one was at 2600 mm with a special cheapish lens I had at the time
the trick here was to get ahead of the moons orbit and wait until it came into shot. Working this close I was amazed at how quickly the orbit was but you don’t notice it when just looking
I had to duck as it went overhead
Te weirdest one I got was this
No not colour editing or anything if that is what you think. No apparently there was a huge sand storm in I believe the sahara desert think they said many years ago now when I took this. The sand particles went into the upper atmosphere and caused the moon to have the reddish appearance
I saw next doors dog burying something in their garden earlier!
Phones take wonderful pictures dont they…I know they aren’t perfect but they capture the moment and we always have them handy…your photo looks great to me tabs
Not sure about that - never taken a photo with my mobile - it is a very basic one. Plus - I frequently forget to put it n my handbag/pocket, whereas I am never out without my camera! I am glad you like my ‘fuzzy banana’ moon though!
It’s probably a fake photo, you know about the dangers of believing everything you read about lolol

It’s probably a fake photo, you know about the dangers of believing everything you read about lolol
I consider realspeed a reliable source Melgal…
we should send him to Kyiv then lol

we should send him to Kyiv then lol
He’s probably been Melgal, he gets about a bit does our realspeed…

t’s probably a fake photo, you know about the dangers of believing everything you read about lolol
It most certainly won’t be a fake, Melgal, Readspeed is an excellent photographer. He has been a great help and inspiration to those of us with lesser talent and does not deserve your doubts about these lovely pictures.
I was having a little pop at oldgeyfox and deffo not doubting mr speed’s photographic skills. Please forgive me.
Thanks for explaining that realspeed, although I doubt you will make a photographer out of me, but I find it very interesting and some of your advice will rub off on me so I can at least produce something a little bit more acceptable…

I was having a little pop at oldgeyfox and deffo not doubting mr speed’s photographic skills. Please forgive me.
I knew what you were inferring Melgal, I suppose I’m just a doubting Thomas where the media is concerned…

not the easiest thing to photograph even with the right equipment
Even so, you have made a very good attempt at photographing it, but not as impressive as your attempt to get your moon to eclipse Tabby’s.
I find that insulting to say the least Melgal70 and would like an apology. I don’t do “fake” photos.
It is people like you with no knowledge about who you insult really shows you up for who you really are.
Tabby’s attempt for first effort does need a little work on it and if I can help in anyway then I will
Unreserved apology given. As I said I was having a little pop at oldgeyfox view of not trusting anything on the media and deffo not casting any aspersions about your excellent skills.
Accepted I don’t hold a grudge against anyone. If my limited photographic skill help point out what could possible improve others then I will. members on the previous site occassionally sent me their photos to see if I could work on them mainly old photos that had some damage to them. Here I have to praise Rachael for her fantastic colour reproducion well beyond my poor efforts.
Presently I am more into videos and creating the old fasioned look
from this as an example

Tabby’s attempt for first effort does need a little work on it and if I can help in anyway then I will
My interpretation was that she saw something that made an impression her and simply pointed her camera at it so that she could share the moment with us. It wasn’t about trying to achieve technical perfection.
I don’t imagine that when she posted her photo she was expecting anyone to be socially inept enough to try and outdo it.
Thank you realspeed. Total misunderstanding of intent. Will try to be more careful in future, we’re only human.

I don’t imagine that when she posted her photo she was expecting anyone to be socially inept enough to try and outdo it.
I might be socially inept as you put it but not as downright rude and ignorant as you by far
Ok now i will be banned going against site rules but I really don’t care any more with people like you on the site. So I am going to just log out for now