My current Australian Passport runs out in 2025 but because of the 6 month limit thing it means I have to apply for a new passport at the end of this year.
In July the cost of an Aussie Passport goes up to over $400 but I discovered a British Passport is less than $200, I will have to investigate.
Both Australia and the United Kingdom allow Dual Nationality. This means that a person can hold nationality (and the passport) of both countries.
How can you claim British Nationality as an Australian and qualify to get a British Passport? You are eligible if the following criteria apply:
You are LIVING IN THE UK on a valid visa and intend to Naturalise as a British Citizen in due course. Read more about British Citizenship through Residency. so sounds you are ok for a british passport
Even if you have dual citizenship and use your British Passport to travel abroad, won’t you need to renew your Australian Passport to enable you enter Australia when you return home?
This might be the one flaw in my cunning plan. I used to have a Returning Resident’s visa in my old UK passport. I suppose I could carry my certificate of Naturalisation with me.
I wish I were eligible for dual citizenship just in case. No, I wouldn’t haggle over the price. A Swiss or an Austrian passport would be charming. Would. All those who may have a second passport should thank their lucky stars.
If the cost is the same then the British passport is of no advantage to me is it? It no longer gets me into other European countries nor any other country that I am likely to visit with any advantage over my Australian passport.
It is always good to hear updates from threads we have been involved in, so thanks for that, Bruce.
I accepted long ago that I would never meet the criteria for emigrating to Australia.
I quite like living in U.K.
However, I must admit, I rather wish I had some kind of dual citizenship with another European country right now - I am sure my “undocumented” :Grandfather came from County Mayo in Ireland but I have no proof - but anything that would allow me the freedom of unlimited travel in EU countries that Brits used to enjoy when we were members of the EU would be very welcome!