A mish mash of what is in my head this morning

Last night at about 8pm I realised I had forgotten to eat my lunch at work.

Received a letter yesterday. It was a parking fine for 22 April. The day I bought my new car. By the time I received it, the due by date had passed by 2 days. I immediately paid it hoping that extra fees will not be added.
After I paid, I studied the ticket, it was issued at 10.39am on the Monday. I never took possession until 5.30pm that day.
The dealership were responsible for the fine. Someone would have seen the ticket attached to the windscreen but chose to let me take the rap.
I will follow this up on Monday.

Rained overnight here in Perth. We received 3.8mm - 5/32".
So far this year Perth has had 21mm - 13/16" since January the 1st.
Average rainfall until the end of May is 160mm - 6 1/4"

I am now a First Aid officer at my workplace. Having completed an 8 hour course.
No way is that anywhere near enough training to be called a first aid officer.

My new car, Mitsubishi ASX is working as it should. No issues as yet. Has been mine for one month now.

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Very sneaky on the dealership front Bretrick.
In England we have had so much rain and floods beyond belief.
I believe 8 hours training is pretty good,but you will learn more as you go along,good for you too.
I forget to eat lunch most days tbh,so you are not alone on that front.
Happy motoring.

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This morning I woke up thinking it was Tuesday and it was nearly time to get ready for work.
I said to myself, “That’s Monday gone already”
In fact it was Saturday, so no work. Silly me.
A right bonus though. :grinning:

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I seem to remember doing longer training for First Aid at Work. Had to go to elsewhere in London to a St John’s training centre. We have a centre just round the corner here and they are doing a course today, for ‘saving lives’. It used to be a training centre, now used I expect to hold the ambulances. Never seen any First Aiders going out on ‘jobs’.

Yes, get on to the car dealer, get that refund. Naughty of them.

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I too had to go to the St Johns Training Centre, away from work.
12 people on the course meant there was virtually no one on one training. Our assessment at the end of the day was not really what it should have been. The facilitator was trying to observe everyone at once.
Very dishonest of the dealership.

A bonus indeed Bretrick.
I have to think what day it is most days since i stopped working,every day is a bonus.

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You must get your money back from the dealership Bretrick else we’ll send round the OFC boys to sort em’ out… :face_with_monocle:
I was the fire warden at one of my previous jobs and went to the fire station in Hull to do some training…I had to carry a dummy out of a burning building and they said…“You’ll do”
I think it was a dummy anyway, it wasn’t breathing… :nerd_face:

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Yes, but consider the weight it will carry with the ladies :grin:.

I would start negotiations with an oil change, tire rotation, and surfboard racks.


RE the parking fine…ARRRGHHH!!! and Jeesh… hope it gets resolved to your satisfaction.
Raining and cold here in Vancouver…seems we had spring last week and have moved directly into fall.

Hope you enjoy your new car.
I had to take a First Aid course…can’t remember how long it was…wasn’t very long if I remember correctly–and it did come in handy a couple of times–outside of work. What I remember of it (and this is from more than 30 years ago) is stop the bleeding first–and keep the patient warm and as comfortable as possible.


The fine issue will be resolved in my favour.
Rained a little more here yesterday. Not much though, 3.8mm.
Loving my new car, had it for one month now.

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