A low cost small hand held instrument, The Kalimba

I am a new convert to the Kalimba and therefore wondered how many other musically minded members have seen or better still, played one.
I’ve had mine since it was delivered two days ago and I am glad I forked out the £12.50 to buy one.
The sound is very pleasing and this quick video with give the interested member a taste of what it sounds like. The only tip I need to pass on is longish thumb nails are needed.


Well in my opinion they’re AWFUL things! Mind you my only exposure to them was from some stalls in the Ipanema Hippy Market.

Ooh, I rather like that LD.
Neat, small enough to drop in your pocket, and produces a nice sound too.
The sound reminds me of either a musical box, or those things that go round over babies cots.


You did well @LongDriver … (love those pink nails)

But, I imagine one of those would be a real pain in the wrong hands.

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Never heard of one before - now I want one! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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Led Zepplin cover. :slight_smile:

I’d heard of Kalimbas, but never seen one. I had no idea they were so small and neat! Where had I heard of them? Well, way back when my kids where young, there was a craze for small electronic keyboards, and my daughter (the musical one of my two) got one for Christmas. It had about 100 different ‘sounds’ and Kalimba was one of them.

I have to admit I’m very tempted by this!

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Yes, me too . . . :smiley:


They are not too expensive - look -



Thanks Tabs.
I wonder why they vary in price so much, from around a tenner up to £30-ish?

The Kalimba sounds good on it’s own, but really shines when accompanying another instrument. Below it can be heard with a Bandura.

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Oh yes, I see what you mean @LongDriver. That really is beautiful, so calming :heart:

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I think so too and so does the young widow lady were are housing. It was she who introduced me to the bandura & kalimba. Her bandura is stuck somewhere, but as soon as it’s liberated and forwarded, I intend to start learning the 65 string instrument; then once into it I’ll buy my own :ok_hand::+1:

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Yes I have seen and heard one being played before, many moons ago down an air-raid shelter of all places.
I liked it but it was a limited in what notes it could play and so too was the Jaws Harp.

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