A Crocagator in Bristol

Crossing Bristol Bridge whilst out with the SAGA Louts, I spotted this fellow in an alcove by the river, next to Castle Green. Apparently it has been shown on local TV, but I didn’t know that at the time.

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Several years ago someone claimed they had seen a crocodile swimming in the river running through Bristol. There have been various theories about this, the main ones being they saw a floating log or that they were drunk (I’m going with the latter!)

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That’s the trouble with crocs, you don’t see them but they see you. They are an ambush predator the first you know of their presence is when their jaws close on you. (or so I am told)

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Haha! I wish our dino-croco-cayman-alligators were as stationary! We’ve been keeping a close eye out for the little ones while wading around in the post-storm muck.