Grand old Little Corella
Grand-Daddy Corella having a snooze
Grand old Little Corella
Grand-Daddy Corella having a snooze
How long do they live?
These birds have an average length of between 36 cm and 39 cm and weighs anywhere from 350 g to 530 g. Age In captivity they have been recorded to live for up to 50 and even 80 years.
In he wild, the majority of its diet is made up of seeds and grains (including farmers crops such as wheat and barley). The majority of its feeding is done from the ground.
These birds are often also called Bare Eyed Cockatoos due to the circle of bald skin around their eyes.
When one looks up the life span of Little Corellas, the information available is very conflicting.
20 -45 years being the range.
Pet Corellas appear to live much longer, recorded up to 80 years. Often outliving their owners.