I had an idea (yes I know the village idiot is at it again), the idea was to take a photograph of the setup . then video with the compact how I went about taking a video using the camcorder with a remote.
The first part went ok
from the on it went down hill. no problem setting it up using a remote for the camcorder to show how to zoom a steady shot.
Where it failed the Panasonic compact focused on the camcorder viewer ok, but when zooming in on the actual target "apple on tree " it the compact camera couldn’t cope well enough with the view in the camcorder.
what happened was the compact camera stayed focused on the camcorder viewer hood and not on the screen(dugh) should have thought of that
So back to the drawing board for another mad cap scheme to think of
To top it all the rachet on the tall tripod started to fail when lowering after finishing started to slip.It was many years old anyway and not an expensive tripod so I have scrapped it
I think compact cameras do have a tendency to get confused about what they need to focus on. Nothing is a fail RS, its just a learning curve!
Also got job you scrapped the wonky tripod…imagine if it slipped and broke the equipment?! 
Still got 2 Tripods so might try again later
I’m not being funny, but to the right what ever is on that tripod looks like a squirrel from here, it’s covered in fur?
That is a “deadcat” no not actually one but a term used in photography to help prevent wind noice across a microphone, So how effective are they? some time ago I did a test usings a tabletop electric fan. so this is the result, I suggest watching the whole video to see the difference using a different one of course
Hope this answers your question it cut out nearly all the wind rumble noise
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replacement tripod ordered
as I posted above a tripod of mine failed, the centre column rachet winder being plastic the thin splines wore out. It was a cheap one anyway and had it for many years.
So given it a lot of thought I have just purchased a replacement on Amazon on one of their deals the offer from time to time. So I have ordered a " Manfrotto Befree Live, Travel Video Tripod with Video Camera Head and Lever Closure," tripod reduced by ÂŁ50 and I am always out for a deal if possible.
I could have gone for the twist lock version but I am never really happy that I hav e checked trhe legs are locked, With the lever type it is easy to see it is in the locked position
Why did I decide to get this one? well first being a travel tripod it folds down quite small,as many also do, and it is fairly light. that is not the main reason though. If it is placed on a slope it normally means adjusting the legs to level up. This one apart from the normal up/down side to side fluid movement this also has a small ball type adjustment so the tripod head can be tilted sideways saving that leg adjustment. Also that head “should” be removable and fit onto my really heavy manfrotto tripod as well, good thinking yes? that one only has a pistol type head at the moment.
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Yes, I’ve seen those on some of the YouTube channels…what’s the ring light all about RS?..I’ve seen those as well.
do you mean this type of thing ?
I am going to state the obvious it is to do with light direction. Having light from one direction causes shadows on the other side. however with a ring light it provides light all around the objectapartr from behind. If your getting into photographic lighting you are getting into a huge subject far to big to go into details here
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Sorry I took it off topic…