47th President Trump

What was it called 50501? 50 States, 50 protests, 1 day.

That would average 1074 people per protest. That is impressive numbers. Wonder what happened to the other 10 states? Lack of interest? lack of support? So my statement is true, I’ve seen bigger turnouts at Grand opening of a McDonald’s.

That is another good example of the peace loving haters. It’s kind of sad that these are the best representative that they can find.

Silly boy! That was the people who deliberately signed up to protest. Thousands more came. Didn’t you read?

Oh, maybe you were too busy hanging out with the drive-through at MacD’s when donnie was wearing the apron and making a complete fool of himself.

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Oh, ok. Change the narrative to try and recover from another blunder. Harris won and Biden could of beat Trump. :+1:

Deflect and distract. You learned that from the best and expert at that.
You are a delight, @Robin.
Thanks for the humor today. :grin:

that’s just this bit

Your projecting again👍

Good morning! Thanks to executive action and a rational interpretation of the law, girls are protected from men in women’s sports and women’s locker rooms.

Another winning day!


It’s not as much a matter of backbone as finally getting called to the table after abusing the generosity of the American people for far too long.

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More to information on Jewish lands

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yes we know all this but how does it relate to what is happening today? By virtue of this logic the whole of the US should be a reservation should it not?

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That hopeful thinking, theory, wishful thinking.

It’s is not Palestine land very simple

I don’t mean to be critical, but, gosh, did you mean you’re? Perhaps another English course ? :rofl:

Losing one always has to deflect to spelling and punctuation.

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Over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle wrote “Sophisticated Refutations” that included the first mention of the ad hominem fallacy - that still applies today.

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This thread is very amusing. Again, I’ll leave you all to your antics. I prefer to deal with intelligence. Bye bye!

To you, who in all posts, is the epitome of intelligence! Thank you for your input, it has been delightful as always.

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Understood, however, my reply is not sarcastic; your perspective is appreciated as counterbalance. There are a number of people on here who appreciate different ideas that come from the U.S. Heaven knows, they are not getting that balance in the media.


I do not judge all Israeli jews, many of whom are vehemently opposed to Netanyahu and the zionists anymore than I judge all Americans as being ignorant apologists for Trump.