4 billion people worldwide watched the queen's funeral

An estimated 4 billion people worldwide watched the funeral. Are republicans really sure that it’s sensible to throw the baby out with the bathwater? And anyone who ends up in a position to marry into this family might want to reflect on just how big a deal it possibly may be.

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Just remember it will all be repeated, just without the hearse - the coronation is next on the agenda.

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It would have been a great opportunity to have held both the funeral and coronation at the same time. All the right people were present, as were the crown and other garbs, and it would have saved a small fortune

they showed the whole route on ITV


OMG haven’t we had the coronation yet? … what was all that about the inkpot/penholder on the school desk and something about a leaky pen too?

That was just a bit of paperwork. As Al Jolson would say…“You ain’t seen nothing yet”

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Funny how exaggeration on the grapevine can go from 1 Bn to 4 Bn overnight.


Three out of 4 on that picture are dead. If I were Charles, I might be a tad worried.


Bring on the pomp, makes you proud.


I’m forecasting that 10,000,000,000 people worldwide will watch the Coronation of King Charles III via some sort of video-receiving device … :satellite:

That’s because they didn’t have a choice - it was plastered almost everywhere you looked :044:


Wow, that’s a LOT of :alien::space_invader: extraterrestrials. :flushed:

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It was an event and a spectacle, people watch to see what’s going on, there’s nothing else on the telly and people like to be part of the herd, FOMO?

It doesn’t mean they’re all particularly supporters of the monarchy or think it was good use of taxpayer’s money :woman_shrugging:

And people and trending are fickle, they’ll be watching and obsessing over something else next week……

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Yup, chuck that baby, it’s an archaic liability representing inherited privilege! :rofl:

Hopefully Charles will keep his promise to downsize the Royal Family so the next ones who marry in won’t get the full treatment (or our dosh)

That’s just the terrestrials … if we count the ETs with TV (or equivalent) in the Milky Way, then I believe that the figure may be nearer a googol … :thinking:

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I think King Charles wants a simpler coronation with not so much pomp and ceremonies


And I was one of them. :slightly_smiling_face: Transmission quality was good.

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Do you think he knows how to conduct such a low key event though? The man has grown up knowing nothing else but pomp & ceremony, and the “sense of occasion”.


@Dextrouse, l fort Al Jolsen said MAaammi ?? :thinking::thinking:

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I didn’t watch the funeral, far to close for the one I had to attend.
Doubt I’ll watch the King getting crowned either.