Your "Go to" app

Angry Birds friends on FB. I am addicted to that game.

Angry birds is frustrating and made me an angry bird lol

Candy crush is equally as frustrating

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Oh I give up.on games that I get frustrated by!!

At the moment 

There are no games apps that I use on any of my computers or iPhone, that’s a hangover from the days when computers were work tools only, well before apps appeared.

The other apps I use are for e-mails, news channels, banking, household utilities, Google and of course OFC. Occasionally I use Waze, a GPS navigation app if on a journey, which is not often these days.

I check my mails first,then the weather,then the traffic then I check out Clash of Clans !

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Sudoko on the Ipad, stopped trying to beat my fastest times nowadays.

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I love both & C/C Jelly & C/C Soda. :grinning: They can be frustrating though, but usually let you get to the next level eventually.


 another Maps, Satellite, Streetview addict here.


Korean street food on YouTube. :023:


I opened an Instagram account last year.

 but I don’t think you can see it here.

If you’re signed up, search dh00photo

but it’s not very exciting, just a few pics

But I look in from time to time as I “follow” some of the world’s greatest street photographer’s.


Ooh, I like that. Looks fun. :slight_smile:

I have too many at the moment. I usually start with Lily’s Garden or Tuscany Villa. If those don’t appeal, I head to some relaxation apps or my mood log. My current favorite is HBO Max that I just got yesterday. I don’t mind watching shows a few minutes at a time. The app keeps my place, and I can go back to it whenever.

I also just started a Discord app where I listen to people having meetings about stuff. And Reddit. Then the forums.

Read, Radio or CDs here - don’t own a TV, and, as far as I know, I do not have anything with Apps.

Dinosaurs rule!


Good for you.

Seen one or two folks become extinct of late, not a smell of Tech anywhere. :biking_man:

the jelly version is a stress free type of main candy crush unless you get jelly queen or licorice Larry

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I hate both, at present I am stuck on the ruddy Queen, she is being particularly evil. :grinning:

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I just got rid of the app for this forum and will stick to the browser.

On my phone, the first app I check each day is the BBC weather one. Then I check Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and emails.

If I’m, say, in the car, parked up and waiting for someone I have a few word games I’ll play, or one called ‘3 Tiles’, a mindless game where you have to clear the board by finding 3 matching tiles. I guess a bit like Mahjong.

If I’m on my iMac, then I play patience, or do online jigsaws - Jigadi is my favourite.