"You are not our king!" Shouts Australian senator Lidia Thorpe

Yes i agree. Issue has fallen on to the back burner and i think i am typical of many people who as per my last post wouldnt mind at all if we were no longer under the monarchy but arent bothered or passionate enough to do anything about it.

That however is a different issue to indiginous rights which of course are Lydia’s priority and something she does feel passionately about.

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An enduring affection for the monarchy, keeps the Australian monarchy alive.
Becoming a republic carries no implication of leaving the commonwealth, India is still a member.

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https://republic.org.au/ Wish you well.

You can understand Senator Thorpe’s anger, she vigorously opposed the referendum for The Voice to Parliament campaigning for a Treaty (as the Maoris have in NZ).

I should say that personally I supported The Voice but am not in favour of a Treaty but the referendum failed so badly that there is no chance of a treaty being even considered for a very long time.

In hindsight it should have been called off before it went to a vote, it was probably doomed from when the Coalition decided to support the “No” case but someone must have known it was going to fail really badly.

The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Linda Burney was useless leading the Yes case, having all the charisma of a cabbage, it needed someone like Noel Pearson or even the Coalition exMinister Wyatt (?) to lead the “Yes” case if it was to stand any chance of succeeding or even coming close.

The referendum was defeated even before the polls closed in WA, it failed in every state and territory except the ACT. It was a debacle really, it left indigenous Australians in a state of shock and the Uluru Statement from the Heart in tatters.

As I alluded to earlier the government has gone very quiet on the Makarrata Commission which also seems to have faded into the background. It is a very sad state of affairs for reconciliation.


Thanks for this extra info and insight - and for the link to the previous thread about The Uluru Statement from the Heart.

I missed reading that thread the first time around - your posts on it are very informative.

I think what keeps the monarchy alive in Australia is not an enduring affection but an apathy and lack of passion about change therefore we by default keep the status quo

as your link showed there is still a movement to make Australia a republic - but most people aren’t bothered enough to push for change

If there were another referendum I think republic would win now - but there isnt going to be another one in foreseeable future because majority of people cant be bothered enough to make it happen

I suppose if it wern’t for us English Australians would still be speaking in their native Aboriginal tongue. Now that is worth a thought.
Our Australian members on here we would not understand , come to think of it do we anyway? :rofl: :kangaroo: :kangaroo: :kangaroo:

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As long as you realise that in Australia there are more than 250 Indigenous languages including 800 dialects. (actually I thought there would be more)

Languages alive | AIATSIS corporate website.

Nobody owns anything in this world, we are all just briefly passengers and the strong, smart, or wealthy can take away what you have in an instant, including lands. The indigenous have no rights to be represented in government, they don’t own Australia, they just lived there. You could say that the current population of Australia are now the indigenous. Open the door to awarding reparations and we should be asking the Vikings or Romans for reparations.

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