Would you keep money if you found it on the ground?

My husband a few years back couldn’t find his Bank Card,thinking about where he last used it , it was at a Supermarket the previous day.
So he phoned them up and asked if it had been handed in and it had , he was told it was surprising how many customers leave their card in the machine after paying for their groceries.

He also dropped his wallet without noticing , luckily I was with him and the customer behind him pointed it out .

people around here are so poor they don’t even remember what a £ note looks like let alone finding one on the ground

OK I come clean … a £ note on the pavement? Of course I’d keep it. I may or may not then choose to put it in a buskers hat, but that’s kind of a separate issue. It’s finders keepers all the way for me. And I’ll do with it whatever I please. A round of drinks?!

Take it to a cop shop!!! I’ve never heard of such a thing. Neither have the cops. And neither have the cops experienced joe public walking in saying I’ve lost a twenty note, have you got it?!!!

A wallet is different, that’s personal. And the loss of its contents can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner.

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