William helping with homelessness. ITV documentary

Only continuing as his mother would have wanted, she instilled compassion and understanding.


Is he opening up Buck House to them?


They’ve got plenty of rooms in Buck House and all their other palaces was my first thought too.

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Give an inch and they’ll take a mile. He’s doing his bit by appearing in public looking like that.

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Obviously, Buckingham Palace doesn’t belong to William, so suggesting he should open it to the homeless is just daft.
Anyway, I can’t imagine any Head Of State of any country opening up the country’s official state building to house the homeless.

As he is now Duke of Cornwall, William does have some control over the wealthy Duchy of Cornwall Estate, though, so we could expect him to put his money where his mouth is and use some of his Duchy income to support his charitable causes and also look at how he’s using the assets he holds in Trust in the Duchy Of Cornwall estate to promote those causes.

I don’t know how much of the £23m pa Duchy income he is putting into homeless causes or other charities but he does seem to be using some of the Duchy land to build homes for the homeless and low income families.

The Prince of Wales announced plans last year to build 24 homes to provide temporary accommodation on Duchy of Cornwall land in the south-west of England for local people experiencing homelessness.
Working with the Cornish homelessness charity St Petrocs, the project will provide the homes in Nansledan, a suburb of Newquay, with “wraparound support” including training and job opportunities.

Last year the Princes Foundation also announced that it would provide £3m to fund the Homewards project, which emulates one run in Finland, and aims to help homeless people into permanent accommodation, regardless of their circumstances.

The Duchy also said it planned to create a private rented scheme for Nansledan for people on lower incomes, providing longer-term tenancies and transparent rent increases.

The estate has also committed to building more than 400 social rented homes and a further 475 affordable dwellings on its new development of South East Faversham in Kent.

They’re the bits I’ve read about.


Is that why he’s grown that scruffy looking beard?! :rofl:

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Not so daft, daddy is in Australia, he is first in line and you know what they say, “When the cat’s away…”

Roll on King William. Together with Kate. Breath of Fresh Air.
They both contemplate. State of the Nation. Outside of the Monarchy/Protocol Bubble.
Titular may be. But Influential. Unintimidated by Bureaucracy.

Dorchesters monarch estate is Poundbury . Its very expensive with high ground rents paid to William . Handed over to him when Charles was crowned. Someone said that more temporary homes are being built in the South West for homeless . I cant believe that will be in Poundbury , its too posh !

They dont know the real world , even though Diana took them to see the homeless. William is institutionalisd and i doubt he really thinks about it , showing his face and being seen to be seen makes him look the part .

Doubt if any changes will be significant


The only way they will be a breath of fresh air is if they abdicate, otherwise is is just “pageantry” to show who is really in charge.

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Doing more than any government has. Having our streets filled with rows of tents for rough sleepers not allowed. Last Tory government planned a civil offence to deter charities from giving tents to homeless people if their use could cause a nuisance.

Government policies make things worse, not enough affordable housing and not enough safeguards to protect renters. Prince of Wales is trying to show with that commitment and political will, homelessness can be reduced.

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I think signing a few papers and spooning a few bowls of soup to the needy occasionally is just a load of virtue signalling… :009:


Focusing on preventing homelessness rather than managing it, makes sense. Those aged 25-34 make up the largest group.

I wonder where the data come from. People of that sort of age are too old to live with parents, too young to settle down, like traveling around, dossing at a mate’s gaff.

A Salute once a Year.
Beats a Presidential election. Every 5yrs !!

“ Prince William: We Can End Homelessness will air on ITV1 and ITVX from **Wednesday 30th October””

I have a novel idea - how about waiting until the documentary is broadcast, watch it to see what William has to say, then draw your opinion from that and comment on it ?

Wouldn’t that be better than pre-empting the documentary with pre-conceived opinions?

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Not really, in ten years time you can guarantee that homelessness will be worse no matter what a pampered royal has to say on the subject. Talk is cheap and the royals specialise in talk.

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It must just be ‘Virtue Signalling’ otherwise why make a documentary about it?
Just get on with it.
How many other people do the same or more for the homeless, and never receive any reward or acknowledgement?