Why do so many people get cancer now?

It’s surprising to see Vaccines on that list as a possible reason for increasing the risk of cancer - surely, it’s the other way round.
There are some vaccines that can help to prevent certain types of cancer by protecting you from certain viruses that may cause cancer (e.g. HPV and HBV) but I have never seen any evidence that any of the vaccines we use can or have caused cancer.

To be fair, too many people want to have their health problems cured so they can live as long as possible , but they just don’t accept that we will all die one day!
Cancer affects all, even the young, and the only reason for cancer they have come up with is it is our own bodies that cause it… but they don’t know why.
If we are honest, our life styles cause a lot of our health problems… but then if we didn’t have all the things in your list we would not be able to feed everybody.
We can’t have everything we want in life, if we don’t have enough people to research & create medicines, make travel faster & easier and fertilize enough crops for our food & animals food!
Isn’t it just our own greed & desire to live longer that has created so many health problems… rather than some conspiracy theory ?
I believe that all health care is designed to save lives & they often do, but how many volunteers would there be to accept death, if we all knew that many of us shouldn’t still be alive?

We are curing many other diseases and illnesses so people are living longer and getting cancer. Before it would have been diabetes or heart disease or something like that that killed people off, but instead people are living longer and dying of cancer instead.

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Between 40 & 50% of cancer patients now survive ! Something will kill us all one day but if you saw the age of many cancer patients attending clinics theses days they are not all elderly!
Top reasons for the elderly to die are…
What are the 3 most common causes of death later in life?

Rank (2016) Cause of Death Percentage of total deaths 2015
1 Heart disease 23.4
2 Cancer 22.0
3 Accidents 5.4
4 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 5.7

…so heart disease is still the highest!

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Yes, but the mortality rate for cancer has stayed pretty much the same over the past 50 years or so even though more people are “cured” of it. People get cancer later in life when they would have died from something else before and some get cancer again later on in life etc

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I can’t agree with that, having survived cancer for the last 10 years!
Surely if if 40-50% now survive, treatment has become more likely to succeed.
Back in my teens almost every patient died if they got cancer, but then they were only a small percent of the population! Now half the population will get cancer & they are not all old. If you had seen the number of cancer patients I did & spoke to them you would understand that many young people get cancer and die from it. It isn’t an old persons illness , if it was you wouldn’t hear about so many young mums& dads, or their children dying from it.
Over our life time too many people smoked & that may be why you see a lot of older people dying from lung cancer or heart disease. THANK GOD MANY HAVE NOW STOPPED SMOKING, SO WHY ARE SO MANY CASES OF CANCER STILL OCCURING? :confused:

What I’m saying is that as people are getting older and survival rates are increasing from other diseases that they would have previously died of (heart disease, diabetes etc) they are now getting cancer in older age. So cancer survival rates have gone up but the mortality rate has also gone up, because people are living longer to get it.

So how do you account for all the younger ones that get it & die yet many older ones, like me, that survive?
I am type 1 diabetic & have been for 35 years, but cancer didn’t kill me!

When Your numbers up…it’s up…My Mother,Sisters,Aunts,Cousins all died of breast cancer in Their 50s/early60s…I’m almost 79…go figure!

indeed on the scale of cancer risks it’s going in the other direction

Young people are more likely to survive cancer, as they can endure huge doses of treatment and have fast recovery rates. Young people also have parents who take them to the doctors early where they can be diagnosed quickly, unlike older people who tend to put things off until its too late - just some examples.

Cancer is becoming more curable, but unfortunately with people living longer and surving other illnesses that years ago were untreatable, are living long enough to get cancer and die from it because of age related problems such as frailty.

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Sorry I still can’t agree. Chemo therapy is measured doses of poison, so it can harm young people as much as older ones.
Radio therapy can cause damage to the body, I knew a young man who died from its effects last year.
If people of any age are not sensible enough to seek early diagnosis then they have nobody to blame but themselves. Early diagnosis is more likely to save your life!

Young people can tolerate much higher doses of chemo and are much better candidates for surgery.

I agree, early diagnosis is more likely to save your life, but with young people, they are usually dragged to the Drs by worried parents, where older people tend not to go to the doctors because they don’t want to be any trouble or are afraid of any result - particularly men and prostate cancer (for example).

My point is that as people are cured of illnesses (other than cancer) they live longer to get cancer, then die of it. They would have died of something else earlier if they had not been cured of, say, heart disease etc. I’m not saying this is the only reason, but it is one of them.

You aren’t the Monarch of the Sea and Ruler of the Queen’s Navy by any chance are you?

No…that title is Yours alone…smartarse.

I think it’s a combination for of carcinogenic substances being used, high portion of inflammatory high processed foods being eaten along with high radiation due to modern technology . Plus the money being made from cancer patients is a lot.


…and so say his sisters and his cousins and his aunts…

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The original mobiles used to give me headaches if I spoke for too long and I had a headset to counter this. You could feel the radiation. I remember reading that manufacturers had done something to reduce the radiation, although I can’t find it now. But I stopped having the weird microwaved brain feeling with the thinner smartphones. Perhaps it depends on the handset you use.

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That’s just plain silly Bruce…

Cancer has always been with us and there are many causes, age with more people living longer and so being diagnosed, genetic predisposition, pollution, smoking, occupation.
When I was a little girl in the 50’s I went to visit my uncle who was in bed and dying of what was thought to be ‘occupational’ lung cancer, he had fluorspar mines (used as a flux for smelting) and also smoked heavily .
In the 60’s my cousins fiancé died of cancer aged 21. A keen cricketer his problems started when he was hit on the knee with a cricket ball, had a break that wouldn’t heal and was diagnosed with bone cancer.

Huge strides are being made in the production of vaccines to target various cancers particularly in those who are genetically predisposed or picked up in routine screening .
Cancer is not the dreaded word it used to be and for many can be successfully treated.