Where is the respect in cut flowers?

I need some of what you’re smoking lol

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Not judging anyone else but we planted three trees to join the queen’s initiative to form a green canopy for her jubilee, so we just added another one rather than give to charity or buy flowers.


When a friend’s mum died some years ago a photographer friend took some lovely pictures of flowers on the grave as a memento for her. It’s something you can have framed later.

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So, for flag waving nationalists, respect is about the image. Being seen to do something & thus it has nothing to do with considered thought or the paying of any genuine respect. I have no problem with that.

For me, a thoughtless expression is just that thoughtless. And paying hollow respect is showing anything but respect. But I am not a flag waver.

So to misquote Billy Wilders character in Blazing Saddles… I guess what I have to remember is…That these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.

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Yep, I’m a flag waving nationalist and patriot Lyn…
I didn’t lay flowers at the Queens funeral, but if I lived nearer I probably would have, and it wouldn’t have been for anyone else’s benefit but my own. I don’t care how anyone else interprets why I laid those flowers…I would have been satisfied that I had paid my last respects to a Monarch and Lady who has ruled this country all of my life (bar two years) and has over the years proved her worth time and time again.

However, I don’t believe you earn respect, I respect everyone until such time that they give me a reason not to respect them.
God save the King…

You are very judgemental as regards expressions of respect .
I am not a royalist at all but if people chose to spend their own money on a bunch of flowers that is their choice .
It’s called freedom of expression .
One of the bastions of Human Rights .

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Should flowers also be banned at weddings? The bride could carry one of these :


What about Hawaii? They could just welcome visitors with a plain string. Allo Allo rather than Aloha?

What is that ?

I think it might be a thing you stick flowers all over so it looks like a bouquet? The green is that soft spongy stuff, I forget the name of it…

It’s a foam bouquet holder.

Recycled/recyclable plastic?

What? And make up her own bouquet when she gets home…?

What about fake flora? Rented for the event if needs be, with a bit of scented spray to add to the illusion?

You mean ‘Plastic’ Dex? Naaaaa just cut some flowers out of the garden and they will grow again…

I read that the Queen’s bouquet was on a nest of sustainable moss & oak without the use of “floral foam” so I’m guessing the other stuff is not environmentally friendly.

No cut flowers, because it would be disrespectful. She could carry a potted geranium perhaps? Would be more fun at weddings when she throws it and knocks out one of the bridesmaids…


Or a potted Acer or Olive tree. It’d be like the Highland Games.

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Foxy, l could have sworn that TaTa is based in Mumbai, India.
They also own Tetley Tea.

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You mean it’s not owned by the Tetley Tea Men



Yes apologies Arty, you are correct…A senior moment… :017:

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