Pixieknuckles, this is so fantastic! I’ve never seen this before. I don’t have all the scraps of paper but I do like the concept of adding bits and pieces from everywhere to make a journal. What a great idea!
I do think this is actually bullet journaling. The whole idea of bullet journaling is to do what works for you. It looks intimidating with some people’s pretty pictures but it’s supposed to just be a way to organize the things in life in lists. Whatever lists works for you is what’s important.
They say that if something doesn’t work in a bullet journal, then get rid of it.
What works for you is putting pieces together in one place. Brilliant.
I think for me, I find it easier to work it in weekly segments. So for example I have little notebooks that I fill with everything in that week, date the cover and file it. That way I don’t end up with a backbreaking lever arch ringbinder that I can’t find anything in. I put the weekly jotters in a monthly file (I know…its bad! heh!) and date that.
Not disciplined enough to keep a diary or a journal - but, because I am a keen writer, I am a compulsive note taker. There is always a notebook and pencil within reach where ever I am at. I also keep a ‘common place book’ with poems, quotations, odd sayings, pictures, song lyrics, and stuff of no interest to any but me!