What would you do if Social network sites no longer existed?

Go back down the pub.That’s where I used to meet everyone who knew everything.


Sorry d00d, there comes a time to reconnect, not to DATA that is.

Don’t think I’d miss it very much. Not at all after a week or two.

go back to suckin me thumb?

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the first 5 minutes is painful

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not with my thumb its not

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i’d drink less tea and coffee

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I could do without X (formerly twitter) because I only look in when it’s slack on the forum. I don’t do any other social network sites at all they are too high maintenance…However! If OFC closed down suicide would be the best option…You are the only friends I have since I retired. And perhaps the odd neighbour…

Lonely from Doncaster… :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Try and revive the working men’s clubs. Great social life in those …or there used to be.

Join the U3A walks. Some groups are for amblers and strollers but all sorts of fitness levels are catered for. Another social occasion.

Edit: There’s a cycling group too.


I really only use social media as a platform for my photography. I guess if it wasn’t around, I would find some other means. I existed happily enough before social networks existed and I guess I would carry on without them. It wouldn’t drastically change my life as much as those whose lives are totally depend on it.


I would waste less time ,do more painting .
Write a book
The house would be immaculate .
Instead I do SFA .


Sad to hear that you are lonely.
There are other over 50’s sites that may fill the gap.

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You do surprise me OGF you seem an outgoing sort of chap.Whatabout all your old running mates?Don’t you ever meet up?

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If the social networks were no longer functioning, I’d do just what I used to do. Call friends, go to lunch, pick up my phone for a short catch up chat with several of my buddies. Go to the library. Volunteer at the local historical assn, do a daily walk in the park…oh wait.
I’m still filling my days doing all of the above. So, I’d be doing crosswords this evening. Lots to do fill my time, always.


I would just go on Youtube, or Ebay, and leave lots of negative feedback :rofl:


Gosh Foxy!
I’m a bit taken aback by your post too, chin up fella!!! :+1:

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Foxy is made from stern stuff, he’s done the hard bit and, as a bonus, he’s from Doncaster

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We all have our crosses to bear :wink::+1:


A post was split to a new topic: Happy to have found this place

juste the way it used to be - libraries ; newspapers ; clubs ; pubs ; onoly wall phones in buildings!! yea!!!