What is your home like - are you a clutterbug, untidy, clean freak or showhome type of person?

I’d love a craft room, probably wouldn’t be able to get through the door though!

Our house is a raised bungalow of average size.
It’s impeccably clean at all times
Not really:lol:
It’s lived in but I’ve been told that if people are coming to see how clean you keep your house :shock:then they aren’t worth keeping. It’s clean but not always neat & tidy. I sometimes wish I could be one of those ultra neat people but then I have a husband :blush:

At the moment a tip .
We have the builders in .
Plus Mr M the untidiest man on the planet .

I sold my one bedroom flat in London for enough to buy a four bedroom flat (with room for a fifth bed if required) in Callander. Oh! And a decent 2nd hand car. That was four years ago and we still haven’t finished unpacking yet Because not only did my daughter and her flats contents move in as well! My late ex wife lived a few streets away and when she passed away my daughter inherited her flat and was already living there. So we had (or still have) the contents of three houses crammed into one. My daughter is a deep sentimentalist and finds it hard to dispose of a lot of her mother’s possessions!
The flat is the ground floor of a substantial, end of the 19th century detached property, with a log cabin extension at the back!


I don’t trust people who live in immaculate houses!
I wonder where all their “stuff” is!
I want to fling open cupboard doors with a flourish and shout, “Ah ha!” :wink:

We live in a terraced Victorian house built in 1886. It was a complete dump when we moved in but I have recently finished renovating it. It is never as tidy as I would like but having two cats puts a stop to that. I vacuum it almost every day but hair sometimes rolls across the floor like tumbleweed.
It is a mix of Victorian features with a few modern twists as they say.

Like Rhian, I also have a bit of a floordrobe going on. That’s where my jeans are kept otherwise I would have to empty all the coins, screws and nails from my pockets before hanging them up.

Attic and garage!

It’s really one of the bedrooms Tess. Although we like to have our family stay, the craft items in the room have to be tidied as much a possible and the sofa bed pulled out and made up. This makes Mrs mart grumble quite a lot. :slight_smile: Not only because of the tidying up but also because she loses her room for the duration. :slight_smile:

Put a tent in the garden Mart!
One needs access to one’s crafts at all times! :wink:

I’ve got this online album I’ve been adding pics to over the years. It includes a few out in the street and 1 or 2 in our local park.


Things are a bit crowded, like the bookshelf is a bit of a mess, but it’s clean. :smiley:

“Clutter is a steal of joy and contentment .
Your home should breathe happiness into your family’s story,Not slowly suck the life out of you”…quote I found online,I also believe ,cluttered house,cluttered mind.

Neat-tidy-clean-minimalist :slight_smile:

Found this on YouTube. My home town filmed by somebody using a drone. Even flies right over my house.

Very lived In, old farm workers homes 2 knocked into one. His folks live in the big farmhouse. The kitchen is the most used and has people in and out all day. The coffee we go through is crazy lol. Mostly the house is tidy but the dogs leave toys, and stuff around so it can look messy, the more I pick them up they go behind me and haul them out again… Sigh. It’s going to be the Muddy time again soon so I’ll be grumbling about the state of the floor and making people take the boots off.
Rest of the house is tidy but sometimes a bit dusty, I can’t be working both inside and outside at the same time. Such is life on a farm. :shock:

Thanks FM, I enjoyed that, looks a nice place. :smiley:

I like minimalist too, my husband tries to clutter the house with junk but I move it when he’s not looking, but then he usually notices and its a game of cat and mouse hahaha, good job we love each other

looks a nice place

Thank you. It’s a brilliant place to live.
If anyone remembers the 1960s series of Doctor Finlay’s casebook. Callander was used for all the outside scenes. In fact the house used for the doctors residence is still known as Arden house to this day!

Currently boxes stacking up everywhere prior to moving…so not at its cleanest…But do I give a jot?