First time cooking the dish.
Never had an hour or two. Evening went well all the same.
How Long Have You Got?
I cannot for the life of me, make an omelette. I het the pan, do the egg thing, then…it just goes to mush.
I even tried adding the veggies first and putting the egg on top…nope.
I just can’t bake bread decently. However, I can bake rock bread…
Thank you! I shall try again this week at some point…update will be posted
Sticking something in a microwave and wait for the “ding” is about the limit of my cooking skills…speaking as someone who is capable of burning water.
I had to throw a half-made tiramisu away when I realised that I’d accidentally picked up and used some cream that was a) soured as way past it’s best before date and b) single cream when it was meant to be double.
I had the correct cream in the fridge, but as I’d accidentally already mixed the wrong single cream with marscapone I had to then go out and buy more marscapone. This was a nightmare as it was Easter Sunday and most shops were closed. I can’t remember where I found the cheese in the end (after visiting several shops) but I managed to buy some in time, although it meant the tiramisu was made last minute. I also ran out of fresh brewed coffee when layering the tiramisu and had to substitute with instant coffee on the top layers.
After all that stress it was absolutely delicious (the next day). Everyone seemed to enjoy it on Easter Sunday, but you should leave tiramisu to rest in the fridge a few hours.
Well done. You averted a possible culinary disaster.
Funny and cute. Tasted delicious? The kids loved them.
Yep tasty cuties
Last week I put some frozen sausages for breakfast in the microwave on what I thought was defrost and went off to drink my tea
Turns out it wasn’t on defrost……,
I tend to defrost sausages, meat n poultry in hot water. Find I get a nicer texture especially for chicken compared to microwave defrost. You have to replace water once too cool if you want a faster defrost.
PS I cook sausages n chicken from frozen sometimes, obviously with extended cooking time to include the defrost period
When the marmalade exploded out of a pressure cooker and stuck all over the kitchen ceiling ummm That was bad .
Mum never asked me to help out in the kitchen after that .
I’m surprised you survived this long…!
Stuffing the Christmas turkey with popcorn and facing the turkey the wrong way. I didn’t realise how expensive oven glass doors are to replace
It’s perfectly safe, microwaves aren’t necessary for thawing.
Biggest cook - for 30 people. Cullen skink to start as its easy to put on a big pot of soup. Meatloaf, roast potatoes, roast parsnips and leeks & bacon for main course (as everything except the leeks can be pre-cooked then reheated on the day), trifle for afters - cause that can be made the day before. Time consuming and a bit tiring to prepare. Even mixing 12 kilos of minced meat, sauted veg and tom paste for the meatloaf proved to be an epic bit of prep. But surprisingly do-able with a bit of planning.