I actually have the Panasonic TZ-95 and i have to say yes a nice liittle camera but the settings and menu have been overloaded with features in my opinion, most of which will be never used. Don’t get me wrong it is a good little camera to slip into a pocket
Lots of Panasonics! I had never considered them until a couple of years ago.
I was always a Canon fan until I was looking for a replacement for my Canon G16 camera - my only complaint about Canon is that the video facility seemed to be very much behind the times.
It ended up with a choice between two Panasonic cameras - TZ110 and an LX10 - in the end I couldn’t choose between them so I bought both.
The LX10 is my day to day camera it has a 5x zoom and a good wide angle lens, the TZ110 is the camera I use on holiday and travelling because it has a 10x zoom and a view finder.
Quite pleased with both of them though I don’t know how they compare with the ones previously mentioned.
I remember that. And I was googling these various little Panasonics and discovered the GX range. I ended up buying a GX80 with kit lens; I’ve now got 7 lenses for it … 7-14mm, 12-32mm, 12-60mm, 25mm, 45mm macro, 45-150mm, 100-300mm. I love having different lenses, it’s like having different cameras for different occasions.
In days past when I had film cameras and a dark room I had (and still have somewhere) many lenses for my SLRs but these days I just take snaps and am more than happy with these compacts, they are just so clever.
I was always a fan of wide angle lenses which were so expensive in those days bec ause they forced you to get in close and this produced a photo with impact. Telephotos are great if you can’t get close but there is no changing perspective.
They are so cute! I adore cygnets…and I haven’t seen any at all yet this year.
I had a phase where I was an owner of several Olympus film cameras I still have one somewhere and I used to have an Olympus Pen FT which was a half frame camera ( ended up selling it for more than I paid for it new). Unfortunately my first digital camera was an Olympus and it was rubbish, eventually the lens motor seized and it went in the bin
I didn’t know there was a half frame film camera, but that’s what Olympus do now, half the 35mm size digital sensors. Called Micro Four Thirds, same as the Panasonic G series.
The Olympus Pen FT was brilliant, an SLR but very compact. I used to use Ilford Pan F 50ASA film in it
The only disadvantage was that if you got your film processed (eg Ektachrome) the bastards charged like a wounded bull.
And here’s the modern day Pen F alongside (my) GX80
Yes its a micro 4 thirds I have. It’s an Olympus OM-D series with an interchangeable lens. That’s all I know…
But a photo wouldn’t seem quite so ridiculous, so I think the bee would be a regrettable but acceptable sacrifice.
Now that’s a good shot, RS; the colour is wonderful.