Beautiful bird - so sleek and colourful - well-captured!
She looks a bit apprehensive.
You’ve gotta feel a little sorry for her. The only one paying attention to what’s going on around her.
A sleepy male Lynx at the zoo today. I hate to see them in captivity like this, but I do know that like most zoos, this one does a lot for endangered species. The trip was really for my 6 year old granddaughter who loved to see the big cats.
Don’t know what type of moth it is.
Spider getting its dinner.
My pink cabbage (rather overgrown) at the allotment yesterday. I left there because I’m not sure what to do with it - its huge! But its awfully pretty
There seems to be a floral theme lately so here is my contribution
It’s a Grevillea, honey eaters love it and it flowers most of the year.
I haven’t got a camera except on my phone can I join in with few pics interested as im enjoying doing this alot more
[quote=“Caveman, post:1079, topic:51512, full:true”]
I haven’t got a camera except on my phone can I join in with few pics interested as im enjoying doing this alot more .[quote]
Course you can, super shots.