Phone, pills, water.
Sometimes a milky drink, the thoughts of a life time to think about …only seems to happen at night !!
I replenish my decanter of water every morning, my zip-up bag of meds lives permanently on bedside table, my phone’s second home is on bedside table (I don’t answer it day or night because the notifications are off). I have something to read on my phone, it doubles as a kindle. In the drawer of my bedside table I have a place for specs, hearing aids, paper & pencil, lip balm …
Kindle , iPhone and small torch
No fear of Putin’s missiles for you then d00d
I could be on the hotline to POTUS and Batman. But no comment regarding that nocturnal activity.
I don’t usually take anything to bed with me.
I just get into bed, switch the light out and close my eyes…
On the rare occasions I do wake up during the night feeling thirsty, I just get up and go into the kitchen for a glass of water.
Absolutely…I always drink a cup of hot’ish water before turning in. Apparently most heart attacks occur in the early morning after the body gets dehydrated and the blood thickens, the heart and circulation slows during the night, increasing the chances of clotting.
It’s also good for the brain.My BH’s father is suffering from dementia and is much worse the next day if he doesn’t drink a bed time glass of water.
Very interesting Mr Smith…
I hope they don’t all snore!
it all depends but there is always something to drink on the bedside stand.
And also a cookie or two …
Oh wow, they must make the bed all warm and snuggly.
Luckily no they don’t.
Not a lot of room for me though.
Time to buy a bigger bed
Actually the bed on the right of the pic is mine, the cuddlies have the one they are on.
Just my
Phone and
That is all you need.