What did you do on your first date?

I expect someone does :blush:.


There can never be too many. :smiling_face:


Inspired by @Oldgreyfox ā€™ photo and this thread, letā€™s cut to the chase.

Aged 21 and just discharged as a long-range scout from the army I met this girl because a friend of mine had invited some friends to attend a rock concert together and celebrate my discharge. I didnā€™t know that he himself was casting an eye on her. Yet she decided to be with me and I started dating her.

Two years later we married

and went through life together

and finally settled down where we live now, by a lake, for the ā€œthird halfā€ as retirees.


Dachs, she is a beautiful person, young to older. And you, are a handsome guy!
You two seem a lovely couple, she must know a ā€œkeeperā€ and has the common sense to appreciate you.
Thank you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good girls go to heaven, while bad girls go everywhere :wink::clap:


Good post Dachs, despite the miles between us, we seem to have led similar livesā€¦


A top post Dachs!
I have to say that Iā€™m somewhat intrigued by your duties as a long-range scout but I guess youā€™ve signed the equivalent of the official secrets act.
Not to mention going off topic which would be a far more serious offence :wink:


What a nice life story. Thanks for sharing it along with your photos.

Your partnership is what I wish for everyone, and I am glad you found each other. I am sure your children agree :grinning:!


Thanks, Chilliboot, for both your comment and your interest. You sound as if you have more detailed knowledge of the area. I donā€™t want to falsely take the credit for something that doesnā€™t apply. The name of the job was the same and the pure physical training and gruelling survival exercises may have been remotely comparable but remember that I (had to) serve(d) in the East German army behind the Iron Curtain in the early seventies. It was a tough job, yes, and having been a runner certainly helped but it was restricted to training only. There never was a deployment abroad. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge in terms of the scope of training and the technical equipment.


To be honest Dachs my knowledge of such things is not very detailed. I joined the TA (reservists) many moons ago and thatā€™s about it. Canā€™t see myself doing very well on an assault course these days alas! :open_mouth:

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Doing that is a credit to you. But do we have to excel in any physically challenging activity at our age?

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Probably not, Iā€™m up for a challenge but itā€™d be sheer stupidity on my part to attempt to do what I did at nineteen for instance.

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Youā€™re welcome @RightNow and @Surfermom . Many thanks for your kind notes. @RN, Iā€™ll let her know. :wink: , and @SuMo, yes, they agree. :wink:

Not sure if you would call it a date but I arranged to call into a friend one evening, only to find she had invited her boyfriend and his friend to join us (her parents were out), we chatted pleasantly for a while until my friendā€™s boyfriend suddenly switched out the lights and they started making out - I quickly left!

Sounds like a typical night, disgusting behavior.