What did you do on your first date?

Not sure, having a bit of trouble with the timeline, things were a bit frantic back then, if you can remember a specific one, one probably didn’t have enough :grin:

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Went to see a movie, can’t remember what it was, But I do remember it bored me rigid.

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Went to a Bioscope 1968. Watched The Thomas Crown Affair.
This was the Ground Breaker. >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1UgvMEbaOM
:rofl: And still Spinning.


Fumblings in the hay barn, nothing prearranged, no date set, all very spontaneous.

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I broke the law by taking a female as a pillion rider. She was well built up top so I kept applying the anchors to ensure she held on even tighter into me. In my experience, lumpy jumpers were always good in clinches😉


Went to a Chinese restaurant, if memory serves.


I was on a blind date, and so we went with the couple who introduced us , which was his cousin .
It was decided by the two men that we should go to Malory Park to watch the racing , me and the other female went along with this .
Having not been before we got lost , and when a sign for Twycross zoo came up thats where we ended up .

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I enjoyed it and still do. :grinning:

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So marvellous. All these years and still going strong :slightly_smiling_face:

Me or them??? :grinning:

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A trip to Baskin Robbins for a scoop of ice cream, a short drive down the canyons and then a walk on Zuma Beach.

I still remember everything - what he wore, the scent of his neck ( he hugged me at the end of the date), the way the sky looked, the way he searched for the money in his wallet, how nervous I felt when he picked me up, the sense of freedom and delight of it just being the two of us, the cold feel of the sand that squeaked under my feet…

Some things just stay with you - and ultimately define you. He was a really nice boy.


What a sensitive description. I wish someone remembered me like that. :blush:


Bet you dropped him for a bad boy, strange thing ego, but probably necessary :icon_wink:

Boys like you
Are bad through and through
Still, girls like me
Always seem to be with you :notes: :grin:

:rofl: Ha, not me! I was always attracted to the nerdy, straight-arrow types. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had a famous friend though, who always, always chased trouble, She ended up marrying and predictably divorcing a well-known rock star. Life is troublesome enough without inviting that kind of chaos into one’s orbit :metal: :unamused: :guitar:

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I expect someone does :blush:.


There can never be too many. :smiling_face:

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Inspired by @Oldgreyfox ’ photo and this thread, let’s cut to the chase.

Aged 21 and just discharged as a long-range scout from the army I met this girl because a friend of mine had invited some friends to attend a rock concert together and celebrate my discharge. I didn’t know that he himself was casting an eye on her. Yet she decided to be with me and I started dating her.

Two years later we married

and went through life together

and finally settled down where we live now, by a lake, for the “third half” as retirees.


Dachs, she is a beautiful person, young to older. And you, are a handsome guy!
You two seem a lovely couple, she must know a “keeper” and has the common sense to appreciate you.
Thank you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Good girls go to heaven, while bad girls go everywhere :wink::clap: