What Did You Buy That For? (New version)

No I can’t honestly remember ever being asked that question. Mr B and I spend our money as we wish, without ever feeling the need to account for it to each other. If I want to buy something, it’s my money I’m spending so he doesn’t ever ask why I’ve bought it - he knows I’ll have had a good reason, even if that reason is simply that I wanted it.

Neither do I ever feel the need to seek his opinion on something I want to buy, as mostly the stuff I spend money on is sewing/crafting related and he knows nothing about the subject, so how could his opinion be worth anything? I would hate not being able to buy anything impulsively without first having a conversation with Mr B about it, to get his approval or opinion. I know a couple like this, who never, ever do anything independently of each other. Wherever one goes, so does the other; whatever hobby or interest he has, so the wife immediately develops the same hobby/interest; every single purchase, either for the house or for their individual personal use, is made together. I would find that sort of relationship really suffocating.


None of your business!!!:smirk: