What big event do you think will happen that most people aren’t expecting?

I think you are doing a huge mis-service to ordinary people. They can see that the ordinary people of Ukraine are suffering directly due to Putin’s aggression. They stand against such imperialistic aggressors. In the same way ordinary people know that pollution and climate change will always hit them worst. They can’t afford the house up the hill away from the budy road, or the air-conditioning. They also know that ‘being kept in poverty’ is government action on tax & pay and favouring the already rich - not down to some wind-farms or sending a tank to Ukraine. Yes ordinary people are very worried about paying for basics but they see this government blaming inflation on small pay rises when it is clear that is not the cause.

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Yes Governments seem have a problem bracing the question of the Chicken and the Egg, until that’s sorted, what’s going on with first part the post?

If Putin is allowed to expand unfettered it will affect all classes far more than the current financial squeeze. But much of the current squeeze is down to mismanagement by truss & co last year

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the big event that people aren’t expecting? Total wipe out of the internet. I don’t know the cause but I expect it will happen at some point and it will be unexpected. We are far too reliant on virtual tech. It’s very short sighted.


Agreed. Whether it be a Solar Storm, malevolence through satellites being fired upon or hackers, we be heading for communication blackout sometime down the track.

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Annie I agree, living would stop , nothing could move or happen , a complete standstill , no money , no medicine , no communications , it would be a nightmare

What back up is there ?

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There’s always back up.
Back to basics and no roaming charges.

tin-can-1 (1)


I don’t believe Putin has any intention to expand Annie, but he objects to western powers poking the bear with a stick and pushing his borders. Apparently there have been American installations on Ukraine soil but you won’t hear that on the BBC news. Putin objects to some western values, and to be honest I don’t blame him.
How can the current squeeze be down to Truss and Co, when she wasn’t in power long enough for her policies to take effect. She makes a good scapegoat for Sunak’s mistakes.

I’m very tired of the poking bear with a stick cliche. There’s no excuse for Russia invading other countries. Did Chechnya, Afghanistan, Armenia or Ukraine “poke” them? Putin doesn’t own Russia, he is leading a major world power - badly. What has he achieved for Russian people in all these years? Who cares about his personal views? He is a national head of state. His personal opinions are not our concern if he is leading a democracy he should represent the population not his ego.

Coughs in utter disbelief. The only way to justify that claim is if you think like Putin: every old soviet country belongs to Russia and so invading them is not expanding. Putin has every intention of retaking the baltic states - in the excuse of re-uniting with Kaliningrad. He has already partially invaded Georgia and Moldova.
Besides all that, this is not about Russian or western values. This is about Putin protecting his billions or possibly trillions of personal wealth. He runs a country designed to steal wealth from everywhere and give to him and his oligarchs. This is not ideological.

Ideologies always have side effects.


“War is the American way of life,” said US historian Paul Atwood, noting that the US was born, grew, and became a superpower out of war, slavery, and human slaughter.

The next big event…Hold on to your seat…

The next big event will be a military coup taking control of England or Britain as a whole…
Since before 2000 migrants have been entering the British Isles, both legal and illegal and there are now several million young men based in strategic places around the country already outnumbering our military. They have been placed mainly at Aldershot, Catterick, Scampton, etc, close to army and airforce bases. With help from plants in our government, the armed forces of Britain have been deliberately reduced so as remove resistance. British forces would remain loyal to Britain and would not fight their own people, so an army of mercenaries has been slowly shipped in from other countries under the guise of migrants to act as sleepers, they will be activated sometime in the future to begin the takeover. Most of our hardware has been sent to support Ukraine and it has left us seriously vulnerable to attack from within.

People will be rounded up, ejected from their houses and communities and herded into the many warehouses now springing up across the country. Those that can work will be used to build fortifications and other tasks, those that can’t work, old or disabled will be eliminated or sent to countries where the young men came from, and their families will be brought to this country to take over the houses and communities that are now empty.
This is possible, and if I can think of it, who else can? Or have!

Everyone on GBNews ?

OMG what have i missed?.. if it happens could i possibly be in India, i would appreciate it if they did, my cash is in a Singapore bank… lol…
do you honestly think they might only have the military to deal with?.. i was a marksman in the rifle brigade, and with normal aperture sights could do a head-shot at 300 yards, i now have a lens fitted to my right eye, i wonder what i might hit with telescopics…and there are still a lot of us about… what might Germany France and even Ireland do if what you forecast happened, there would be a big push back. how many bases do the americans have here, and there must be other NATO sites that we dont know about, no mate, Ali Baba would need more than forty thieves to turn us over, but nice try, you alerted me…lol

Have you not noticed how many immigrants are based in all those countries Crabby…It’s a case of how well do you think the invaders have been trained and organised. What if Bill Gates was part of the takeover and microsoft sent updates to disable everyone’s computers? Including the police and defence forces…

I’ve heard they will convert us to Islam before beheading us.

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I don’t think Islam or the muslims have anything to do with it d00d. It’s bigger than religion and will affect the whole world.

a fate worse than death :neutral_face:

The next big event for most of us is death .