What Abilities Have Saved You Money

Getting married to someone with a purse tighter and more secure than Fort Knox. :rofl:

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The cost of fixing it all is going to be many thousands.

Is that being paid for by the insurance company?

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Yes, The Insurance Company has given the go ahead and the next stage (Furniture into storage, radiators off, etc) starts tomorrow.

The Insurance Company is waiting for me to move out, to a hotel, or whatever, and that is included.

Then all the floors get cut & the new piping starts to go in.

Everything covered although I may have to pay for the pipe replacement.

Re-plastering, decorating, storage of furniture, etc., all included.

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Yes! Not unheard of!


Nope, not unheard of. Sometimes not wiping the acidic flux off soldered joints can weaken things, but more often than not pipes weren’t covered with a cloth barrier due to oversight or apathy. Cement can react with the pipework, and not allowing for thermal expansion is unwise.


Similar for me. Obviously I did all the electrical stuff being an electrical engineer. I did all the car repairs and maintenance but then I got a company company car. But I still did all the plumbing, joinery, decorating etc. The one thing didn’t care for was gardening. I did mow the grass but that was the extent of my horticultural activities…

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Well cooking, definitely. Gardening and decorating too. And upcycling, I like to turn junk into useable stuff

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…a bit like Weston’s Town Council, except they’ve turned junk into an expensive eyesore. :wink:


Ah, you see that’s a popular misconception!

Weston council weren’t responsible for the See Monster, other than letting it happen in Weston and charging them rent for the site

See Monster is part of Unboxed, originally the Festival of Brexit, all designed and paid for by central government out of you taxpayer’s pockets! To the tune of £120 million for all 10 projects, I believe

So basically it’s all the Brexiter’s and Johnson’s fault🤣

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What a nightmare Ted! But remember the old adage: don’t make a drama out of a crisis. Ahem. that’s not much help, I know.

It sounds like you have some pretty comprehensive insurance cover that’s finally paying off.

And no, I’m not advising anyone to avoid buying insurance.

It’s just what we do … our dislike and distrust of those people. And you never get your money back.


I make my own clothes and bake and cook from scratch, My husband is a dab hand at DIY including plumbing and electrics. He just remodeled our kitchen for just under £200. We enquired how much for a professional and it was well over £2000 !


Wow, that was brilliant. My dad was like that, he could mend or build anything