Where are pensioners supposed to find that extra money when the increase this April is 4.1%?
Although ours goes up every year it seems we save a lot by having a water meter.
A little under £200 last year, including garden watering.
That is with Thames Water.
I am the same as HelenP. We had a water meter fitted many years ago when my husband was alive and do seem to have much cheaper bills than those who don’t have one. I have three water butts in the garden for watering the plants and that of course saves money too, although in really dry summers the hose pipe needed to come out but it didn’t push the bill up by very much. I don’t know how much the bill is this year because it hasn’t arrived yet, any time now I expect.
I’m just waiting for some feedback from a neighbour who lives in the same band property but have a water meter. However, if £854 is the price to pay for the luxury to use water in copious amounts without limit, than I shall pay it.
My lawns and garden will thank me for it in the summer…And Mrs Fox and me won’t have to bathe in the same bath water to save money, unlike my neighbours with the crap lawns…
We had no say in a Water Meter, it is fitted to the main Stop Cock in the street (Severn Trent’s Property). We are not billed on it at the moment (I can activate at any time on our online account) but, I guess it will be thrust upon us at some point.
At the moment the water companies don’t seem to have enough revenue to operate so, meter or no meter, it’s going to get expensive.
I don’t feel I have to stint on my water usage just because I have a Water Meter, Foxy.
I just use water when I need to and I would still use the same amount, whether I had a Meter or not.
I still use a pressure washer to clean all my paths and patios every Spring.
If my garden is very dry, I water it with a hosepipe (unless there is a hosepipe ban, of course)
The great thing about getting a Water Meter is that it doesn’t cost you anything to try it and see if it saves you money or not.
Most Water Companies allow you to go back to your unmetered Water Rates at any time within 2 years of having a Water Meter fitted.
(I think you said you are with Yorkshire Water and I know they offer this option of switching back to unmetered water rates if you decide the Meter is not saving you money.)
Although we have a meter we do use water sparingly, not only to save money but to do what we can to save the planet. Little things help, the washing up water is used on the garden, only full loads go in the washing machine, never leave taps running.
I’m just waiting for some feedback from my neighbours about their water bill boot, I think they probably use about the same as we do. I might consider a meter depending on the size of their bill. What can I lose?
I gave up wearing my underpants on the outside of my tunic a long time ago Helen.
The planet and those greedy B’stards at Yorkshire water have done alright so far without my help. If they didn’t build so many houses perhaps the utilities would have been able to cope.
I sense your frustration OGF but if we all become part of the “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” club how will the planet survive.We can’t all be heroes but we can avoid being villains.
I don’t think I’m a villain just because I don’t believe all the ‘Saving the planet’ malarkey Helen.
Foxy, done my bit to save the planet, No Grandkids!!
Not breeding indigenous kids is handing over Britain to people of dubious origins to those who will have plenty of kids and grandkids.
We will be bred out eventually…
I know that, but, the gate was closed after the horse had bolted
I am surprised that you would make such a contentious statement OGF
It is reminiscent of something that the Austrian painter said.
I’m just stating the obvious Helen. I don’t like globalism though…
It waters down a countries identity.
Why do we want to preserve the Aborigines’ North American Indians, and other indigenous tribes, even the the Welsh language but we don’t care about the heritage of the indigenous people of the British Isles?
We are a mongrel race made up of numerous cultures that we have absorbed over centuries, we are not a mono culture.
As such there is no such thing as British culture, just a collection of customs and cultures, that have evolved.
That is where we may differ from such as the indigenous people you mentioned who until discovered were mono cultures. You would have to go back a lot further than that to find indigenous Britons.
I have got to agree, @HelenP
What is an indigenous “Briton”?
I have always thought of myself as British but my ancestors from long ago came from a large dollop of Danish Viking DNA stock on my Mum’s side and a large dollop of Celtic Irish DNA stock on my Dad’s side - does that mean I am not an indigenous Briton?
There is a lot of splitting hairs going on here.
My family come from Bermondsey, well some of them did.
Thomas Bowyer, baptised in Southwark in 1776.
Passed away in 1812.
Not a bad age for a Thames Waterman I suppose.