Wales first UK nation to drop motoring speed limit from 30mph to 20mph

Hi Mr M
I didn’t realise cruise control could go down to 20mph … I think 30s the minimum on my car. But a luxy RAV4 maybe .

The Waze app, never tried it, beeps to tell you if you’re going over the speed limit.

The adaptive cruise control on my VW T-Roc has a lowest setting of 20mph.
I’ve never used it at 20mph yet - I often use it for 50mph stretches of motorway and sometimes set it at 30mph when using main roads in rural areas. I find it useful where the National speed limit of 60mph is interspersed with sections of 30 mph limits as you drive through sprawling villages. Once set at 30mph, it’s quick and easy to flick the cruise control on and off for each village, so you don’t inadvertently stray a few miles over the limit as you drive through.
If the speed limits went down to 20mph in those villages, I’d probably set my CC to 20mph to get through them - although it may be easier just to go down to 1st gear and stay there!

My Lexus low setting of 30mph ….it’s almost 2 yrs old now, maybe the newer models have a reduced 20mph cruise control.

so surely this will cause more air poloution, most cars are not happy at twenty,
i agree when driving thru residential ares but i realy do feel twenty will cause problems

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Re: Twenty miles per hour speed zones do not increase emissions | The BMJ.

Imperial College, London conducted research for the City of London on the effects on emissions of speed limit reduction from 30mph to 20mph. Their conclusion was “It was therefore concluded that air quality is unlikely to be made worse as a result of 20mph speed limits on streets in London.” See p66

This was conducted using real-world cycles of acceleration and deceleration within a city environment. In particular the report showed an an 8% reduction in NOx and PM10 emissions for 20mph compared to 30mph in diesel cars.

For a discussion of how emissions and fuel usage are influenced by reduced speed limits see

The most important factor in real world emissions from cycles of 0-20mph and 0-30mph is the energy used to repeatedly accelerate to the terminal speed. As this is proportional to the terminal speed squared then reaching 30mph requires 2.25 times the energy required to reach 20mph.

Hey Mrs R

my cruise control set at 19mph just now, must be Toyota speaks Welsh :smiley:

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Come on folks, it’s got nothing to do with road safety or pollution has it…

enlighten us then

You live in the same world as me Crabby, if you can’t join the dots…It’s not for me to think for you…

but my dots are different to most, and when i join them up i get depressed
all the tHATCHERITES think Londinium should be walled as ALL the uks wealth comes from there, they destroyed our manufacturing base because all we needed was the insurance comanies who made more than the steel works in pound notes, and all that matters is pound notes… dont believe me ask the old lady of treadneedle street…

A job for the red flag man aka AI. :wink:

I knew I should of waited for a RAV4
Errrr mistake , my car is two years now .

Errr…How does this relate to Wales dropping the speed limit to 20mph Crabby?

are you inferring i stay on the thread, no deviation allowed in any shape nor rant?

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We have made the decision to use public transport if 20 mph comes into force across Norfolk. The local authority along with bus companies have put more routes on around town and villages.

No Crabby, I’m the worst person on the forum for deviating from the assigned topic…

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Thank you Ralph, that explains it perfectly. So we all drive at 20 instead of 30 or 40mph, making more pollution, and the motorist is to blame. And gets penalised by having their cars confiscated.

My borough and neighbouring ones have had 20 mph restrictions for a couple of years now. I support it because urban roads should not be regarded as race tracks and it reduces casualties.
Although there are cameras I should like to see it enforced more.

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