Again…you are interpreting scripture as it suits you…you told me reporting him wasn’t Christian like…that is your opinion.and also a man made religion…imo…my faith is alive not man made.
Turning the other cheek has nothing to do with putting in a complaint…imo./ belief.
Also Pauline, in all fairness, you did say in several posts (this came from post 24) that . . . " No proper communication from him just a load of insults flying my way…no wonder I shouted out loud and reacted ".
So it was alright for you to shout, but not him?
A short story here.
A while ago, I had been to the vets and left my dog in the car outside the shop (the window next to her open a few inches) I went in just to pick up a bottle of milk. About 4 mins I was gone.
When I returned, a chap parked next to me said dogs must have car windows left open - I said she had.
It was not a hot day, else I’d never have left her in the first place, and I pointed out it was dull and overcast, one window was open, and I had been precisely 4 mins.
I said that she was perfectly safe, I could see her from where I was, and it was a cool day.
I certainly did not shout at him as you said you did, in fact I thanked him for taking notice and looking out for her. After all, I could have been one of these heartless owners who leave them to die in boiling hot cars for all he knew.
When I thanked him, the ice was broken, he smiled, I smiled, and an unpleasant row was averted.
Personally, I hate these people who see possible cruelty and sit back and say nothing.
I am glad some people do something about it.
Pauline I sympathise with the situation you found yourself in.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing I think I would’ve risked carrying my dog into the nearest toilets rather than leave him . Glad it all ended well for you and your Jack
Mups you sent me a pm, which was meant for Pixie…you said you believed me to be unhinged is that correct Mups?
Plus telling her I’m fanatical about my religion,really Mups?
Very malicious and nasty to be gossiping about me by you and Pixie , Mups?
I have the pm if admin wants to see it?..very hurtful Mups and Pixie.
Dex…I’m not bothering with it…I over reacted…we’re all learning aren’t we…never a day goes by that we don’t learn as long as we’re listening…do you agree?
That would be very “you” Pauline wouldn’t it. You seem to revel in getting one over on people. If you had any decency, you would just ignore it and carry on. I haven’t received a PM so no gossiping about you. Everyone makes mistakes, pauline.
Irrespective of what one’s faith or view of religion is, on the whole I tend to find asking oneself “what would Jesus do?” a useful tool for personal reflection.
And that’s the only foray into this part of the discussion that I’m going to make.
Give it a rest Pauline.
This is what I meant about you lose all rationality once religion comes up.
I have told you I am sorry, so if you want to carry it on and on, that’s your choice.
This thread was supposed to be about you and your dog, not God and religious beliefs.