Vitamin D Defficiency and Mobility Issues in Old People

So that’s when you hit the report button and tell admin in that little box exactly why you’re enraged.
If they’re doing a good job and the post is breaking rules the offending post will be removed.
If not raise hell!!!

Bickering on and on is pointless.

Well as I said it builds up. I don’t think the thread azz started has helped either as some very nasty things were said and very few apologies given.

Actually that’s part of the problem hardly anyone apologizes.

And I hope this isn’t considered hijacking the thread talking about mental health since it’s still considered health but I’d like to address the topic of having mental disorders and not being diagnosed or even realize you have them.

I was raised by two very narcissistic parents who had undiagnosed mental disorders. They were exceptionally good at picking out other people’s faults but could never see their own.

My father would spent hours straightened out bent nails instead of buying some more or glue a dollar cup over and over again that couldn’t be washed in a dishwasher instead of purchasing another. He could obsess over one thing done that wasn’t to his satisfaction after you’ve spent days helping him.

My husband and I used to poke fun of him at times. He’d spent an entire summer helping them build their house from a cottage to a permanent home so had full awareness of their actions and behaviours. For years he’s been telling me that I have OCD tendencies and while I was somewhat aware it wasn’t until THIS year that I realized that I’m probably FAR worse than my father.

In just over a month I’ll be 59 and never realized this before. Now looking back I can see how it’s affecting my life and am starting to learn why I get tripped up when trying to communicate to others at times.
It’s hard enough dealing with people who don’t have any mental disorders but when dealing with people who also have them, it can be very difficult.

It was a huge wake up call for me and made me view my aging parents very differently. It’s still difficult communicating but with this new awareness I think it has made things much better. My husband claims I’m much better.

I’m adding this as an example because sometimes it is difficult for people to self evaluate their own communicating style and sometimes we have unrecognized mental issues which can interfere with trying to communicate properly.

Thank you for that very personal explanation on the open forum Bratti. I hope people will now understand that you were not being nasty in suggesting mental health issues, you were just offering a possible explanation for somebody being so intent on getting their point across!
Rest assured that you are not the first person to mention that.

Back on track . . .

An interesting article here

[size=3]The Largest Ever Clinical Study on Vitamin D Shows We’re Wrong About One of Its Main Benefits[/size]

“There is little agreement on what vitamin D deficiency is. Deficiency levels are arbitrary with no international consensus and confusion caused by different units in the US. A “normal” level can vary from 50 to 80 nanomole per litre of blood, but recent studies suggest 30nmol is quite enough.”

“Patients with very high vitamin D blood levels (over 100nmol) are becoming routine in my clinic and elsewhere, and toxic overdoses are increasingly being reported. Several randomised trials have shown that patients with high blood levels or taking large doses of vitamin D (above 800IU) had an unexpected increased risk of falls and fractures. Vitamin D is far from safe.”

"We have created another pseudo-disease that is encouraged by vitamin companies, patient groups, food manufacturers public health departments and charities. Everyone likes to believe in a miracle vitamin pill and feels “they are doing something”.

Vitamin D, despite its star status, would not be called a vitamin today, as the doses needed are too large, the body can synthesise it from skin, and it is a steroid precursor. Instead of relying on this impostor, healthy people should get vitamin D from small doses of sunshine every day as well as from food, such as fish, oil, mushrooms and dairy products."

An interesting read imo. This seems to gel with the various posts of different members in this thread who had differing Vit D levels but were all told they were deficient or not deficient seemingly inconsistently.


Did you get to ask your doctor about whether you should be taking Vit K2 with Vit D?

I’d be interested to know what he/she says if you did

Yes I would too . Ruthio’s around but hasn’t come back in here . I was interested in Julie’s posts too regarding she was having trouble with mobility .
Particularly in those elderly too who find rising from a chair difficult and/ or their leg muscles not supporting movement surely not wrong to check their VitD levels instead of brushing their symptoms off as age related or arthritis ?

Is it a repeat? I think I remember something similar? was one participant an old guy in a wheelchair? …He managed to get on a boat/barge or something at the end?

Noel needs some Vitamin D I think…

Thank you for pointing this topic out again

I am 76 and for the last six months have had trouble with my legs, never thought it was lack of Vit D

Am off to see the doctor on Sep 4 after my latest blood test was showing a lack of B 12

Was rereading this topic so Bit of a late reply.

The last 5 months have been very tired and some times spend all day in bed…If I go for a walk my legs ache for hours.

Seeing my doctor next month as my b12 was low again will mention Vit D.

Thanks Twink an interesting read

There’s a lot of it about …trouble with the legs ?
Saw a locum GP last week who told me Vit D deficiency was the first thing that came into his head when I described my symptoms . I go for a blood test on September 3rd . Who knows what will fly out when that Pandora’s box is opened late in life :frowning: ?

Galty I also suffered tiredness, so if your Vit D level is low ask if they can give you a 3 month trial on Prescription supplements.
I have taken over the counter supplements for 7 years and they didn’t help, yet 3 months on the ones from the doctor took my level from the low 26 to a good 57.
With the winter due fairly soon, you will get even less sun so it is important to get you to a good level asap.
I would be interested to hear your tests results & hope you feel much better soon!:slight_smile:

Years ago, I fell and broke my wrist, out of the blue I received a letter from my doctors surgery saying I’d been prescribed Accrete Vitamin D3 tablets. I’ve taken them ever since.

I think many people have to continue with the prescribed supplements for life, but I understand that you can’t overdose on Vit D.
It is possible that my inability to absorb it was caused 8 years ago, when having Chemo… but no body really knows & that is why I am allowed to request a blood test, at any time, if I notice symptoms returning.

Twnk55, my regards to you. Is the blood test to establish if you have too little Vit D.

Actually I’m quite happy to take it because I’ve read that people in the NE don’t get enough through sunshine and as I get older my diet isn’t as good as perhaps it should be.

Because I am presenting with symptoms of what could be Vitamin D deficiency the blood test is to determine the level of it in the body This is an informative article .

Thank you for that link Zuleika. It was very interesting and I could relate to many of the points raised from my own experience.

I found it very difficult to get out of bed in the morning, owing to the bone & muscle pain & I was always tired in the afternoon. What a difference the prescribed supplements have made and I feel much better now!
Good luck with your test results! :slight_smile:

My doctor says we should all take Vit D supplements in the winter, as we don’t get enough sun then.
If you are worried ask for the blood test & they will be able to give you an accurate figure of your current level.

Zuleika’s link says that you can overdose by taking too many supplements, and it is always better to be safe than sorry!:slight_smile:


I think you have proved Relist post 3 right.

Was a shame he was abused over it.

Will be asking my Doc if I am lacking in Vit D for a prescribed supplement.

As said before am lacking in B12 because I don’t eat a lot of meat any more and got sick to death of oily fish.

Also my protine levels might be down.