I see that at long last we are going to be demanding anyone from the USA has to apply for a visa to enter the UK. Something we have to do to get into the USA.
I already see USA citizens don’t like the idea as they have never had to do this before. Well tough luck, now they feel the same way as we have done for years and they don’t like it
but it might put them off visiting, and right now we need money to come in rather go out .
It is fair and reasonable as people from the UK now need a visa to go anywhere.
We don’t need a visa to go to Turkey
Good point. I need to provide a clarification, “almost anywhere”.
I looked on google regarding visa free travel from UK.
154 countries visa free
19 countries require visa
21 countries require an E visa
I am fine with it. I would actually like all visas to be two-ways and have that information automatically passed along to our Department of State, in case of a problem.
Your info is soon to be out of date. Those numbers are based on visa free travel to EU countries. So that leave, in the 127 countries offering visa free access:
Afghanistan (can’t wait to go), Angola (super holiday destination), Armenia (five star all round), Belize (useful for tax dodging of course), etc. etc.
I’ll revise my statement in light of your helpful info to “almost anywhere worth visiting”.
Or perhaps more pertinent “any country that reciprocates with a decent level of tourists to the UK”
It doesn’t matter how much you revise your figures Lincolnshire a British passport gives you visa free travel to 151 countries.
Hey, I agreed with your correction and noted its helpfulness - what else do you want?
What I want is for you to note that I revised your figures not my figures and what I did was revise my statement. In the meantime, my last statement about the need for a visa for all the countries whose travellers make up the significant number of tourists to the UK stands. Who cares about a country that few Brits visit and few of their people come to the UK? (Care in the context of visas, of course.) 151 countries which none of us will likely visit. What a boon.
Says an British bloke who resides in France…
According to our government travel advice the UK is a dodgy place to visit
I have been to Afghanistan, it is a fascinating place but when I went you needed a visa so that is a step in the right direction isn’t it?
They put on an earthquake for me while I was there as well as a gathering of tribesmen from the north with their flintlock rifles.
The trip through the Khyber Pass to Pakistan showed clearly why the British never made the trip. While bus taking us across the no man’s land between Iran and Afghanistan was exciting to say the least.
Come in the back door Bruce, it’s perfectly safe, there’s a ferry service operating. Some sailing experience would be beneficial though.
You will be escorted to a hotel of your choice, and you can stay as long as you like.
No passports or visa’s required.
I don’t understand the relevance? Of the 40 odd countries I’ve visited in my life, only six non-EU countries didn’t require a visa. And of these, I’d only consider re-visiting two. Nothing to do with where I live. (Although I have non-visa visiting rights within the EU.)
But would you visit such a regressive, women repressing country now? Visa or not.
You haven’t met Mrs Fox then Lincs…Afghanistan sound delightful…