Veg Garden Harvest

Hi Janela :slight_smile: they taste ok . Next year I will be growing Elegance which I have been buying from Waitrose, they have a lovely flavour.
I am giving the beans another week before pulling them up, there are still some growing.
Good luck with the garlic, I am eating mine so quickly I won’t have to worry about storing it though so far it has stored well (hung on the washing line on fine days now hanging in the garage) and it has remained really juicy.

I have erected a small frame with wires for my few raspberry canes which are due to arrive in October along with the garlic . The strawberries are looking good in their troughs.

Hi Barry :slight_smile: the beauty of keeping them on the vine is they retain their fragrance.
I used to make chutney too but gave most of it away so now stick to pickled cabbage and onions which I prefer to eat.

I’ve had about 8lbs of fruit from my Oregon Thornless blackberries already, and I thought I might pick the last of them today but surprisingly it looks like they might go on for another couple of weeks yet

I have also been picking more raspberries from my autumn fruiting canes (Joan J). I am picking around 8oz every day from a ten foot row and will probably continue to do so for a while yet, so after having lost completely my strawberries, summer raspberries and plums, some of the other fruit crops are finally filling the big gap in our freezer

I have a very small blueberry bush in my back garden. Planted it last year. My 4yr old grandson was very happy picking the blueberry’s from the bush washing them in a bowl and eating them. He always waited till they were ripe.

How lovely Shaz
I love letting my grandchildren pick what little crops I have. And watching them eat as much as they pick :lol:

Well I’ve finally finished picking fruit from the garden today with the last of the blackberries and autumn raspberries. In spite of bemoaning the poor show earlier in the year and having lost all the strawberries, summer raspberries and 95% of the plums to adverse weather, we really haven’t fared too badly.

Totals for the year (mostly stacked away now in the freezer)

Gooseberries 22lb
Blackcurrant 8.5 lb
Loganberry 9.75lb
Rhubarb 13.25lb
Blackberry 9.25lb
Raspberry 13.75lb
Blueberry 5lb

So all in all quite a satisfactory crop it and should keep us going now right through the winter and spring

Barry, that’s brilliant.:smiley:
Makes me wish I had dug up more lawn to grow more fruit and that we hadn’t changed our chest freezer for an upright one.
I prepared the beds with manure, for the garlic and strawberries today, was going to plant them but my back gave up:roll: I’m gradually lifting and taking cuttings of geraniums though, I do like working in the greenhouse.

Barry that is very impressive :-), I wish I had the room to grow more in my tiny garden.

Janela :slight_smile: I hope you back has recovered. My garlic is late arriving this year but should be here this week and I hope to get it in straight away.

The strawberry plants I moved into tubs have taken well and are looking good. The raspberry canes should arrive soon, the ground is all ready for them .

I planted my garlic and strawberries this morning and laid some plastic netting over them. The bl**dy squirrels won’t be digging them up!:twisted:
My back is ok thanks Meg
I used a long handled hand trowel and a ‘pick up’ stick to plant them.:smiley:
We went to fill the seed feeders and found the wire on the peanut one was chewed and a plastic one had a very big hole, so big that one of the perches was on the ground!
Looks like all our feeders will be squirrel-proof soon.

Remembering Janela, a lovely lady who sadly passed away in June 2014. :slightly_frowning_face:

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So cute!