Vaccine Worry Resolved!

Maybe, perhaps in years to come I hope. Right now though now my memory is good,
until I get stressed, then it’s not very good at all! :worried:

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I respect everyone’s right to make their own decisions which frankly are none of my business and I keep it so.

And I respect your decision regardless.

I have. When I was 4 years old I got a virus that put my temperature up to 105 and hallucinating.
I was rushed to the hospital and given penicillin. My throat instantly swelled up and I was in intensive care for about 5 days. That’s when I found out. I knew I was allergic to penicillin. What I didn’t know was that it was the reason why I couldn’t have the small pox vaccination.

Really? Isn’t that interesting. Whenever I’ve ‘had’ to take antibiotics I have been prescribed from the tetracycline family.

That’s a shame you were bitten by a dog when you were younger. I hope it didn’t change how you feel about them or at least I hope the experience didn’t leave you fearful. That would be such a shame.

Funny that because I know more than one person severely allergic to penicillin who had the Covid and other vaccines with no reaction. So I don’t think they use penicillin these days.

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Oh they definitely don’t. That’s something I checked before committing to being vaccinated because although they say you need to wait to be monitored for 15 minutes. I wouldn’t have 15 minutes.

Yes, it’s very interesting finding out something that is so relevant to ourselves in such a way. Fortunately I’ve never had any health problems requiring antibiotics since then, thankfully. I always give Tetracycline as an alternative to Penicillin though when asked about allergies.

At the time that dog bit me I was roller skating along the pavement outside my house. The dog jumped up at me, knocking me over, then proceeded to bite me. It wasn’t a big dog but as I was skating that made me more unsteady so I fell over. No problems with dogs over that at all, I have in the past had my own dogs, both big and small – a small mongrel and a couple of German Shepherds, so no lasting effects. I get on very well with dogs, no fear of them at all. :grinning:

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It was more than interesting. It was crucial I found out this info cause I almost didn’t get vaccinated due to it.

I think my in-laws thought I was making stuff up. Lol

This is great news. Unfortunately experiences like you’ve described can scare some people forever and it would be a real shame if you couldn’t get a dog because of it . Our old neighbour was petrified of dogs. One day we found him at the side of our house holding a rake out at our dog :103:
It didn’t go over too well
I felt really sorry for him though.
He was literally petrified. .

Hey Bratti,

I’m so glad that you’ve managed to have your first vaccine. I hope you didn’t have a bad reaction to it though
Please ensure that you get the MedicAlert bracelet as soon as possible!


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Thank you Minx. Goodness. Where are my manners.

It’s my second vaccine.
I took a chance with the first one since I was getting a bit of pressure from family members. I knew there was no penicillin in the vaccine I was going to have given. I definitely should have a medical bracelet for this

I was so happy to discover this news yesterday. It really made my day.

Speaking of day, have a good one.

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That’s how I discovered I was allergic to penicillin. Fortunately, my allergy to it is only fairly mild - my hands, fingers and feet swell up for a couple of days if I take it.

That sounds bad enough.
Does that cover the whole ‘cillin’ family of antibiotics, like Amoxcillin?
It must narrow down your available choices a lot if you need medical treatment.

For some reason, I’m fine with the modern derivatives. It’s just pure penicillin that sets me off.

I can’t take any derivatives or antibiotics ending in ‘cillin and have known this since I had an unknown virus when I was a child.

What I didn’t know was why I couldn’t have a small pox vaccine so I was very concerned about the Covid vaccine. I didn’t know that penicillin was the reason I couldn’t have it. It could have been any ingredient.

When I went to get my second vaccine I explained the situation and was told that the pharmacist would betalking to me about it. When I told him the situation, he asked if I was allergic to anything and when I told him that I am fatally allergic to penicillin he said that penicillin was used in all earlier vaccines as an antiseptic but is no longer.

I didn’t have to worry about this any more. My main reason for writing this thread is in case there were others with this same reaction. I lost a very dear friend due to a servers peanut allergy which I didn’t take seriously at the time. I do now.

@Dextrous63 Lets call it more ‘Discussion’ than arguing Dex… :nerd_face:
I will probably never have the covid vaccine, because I live in a different world to you Dex… :running_man: :biking_man: :swimming_man:

Agreed about discussion…

Putting your own decision aside @OldGreyFox, how much time would have to pass before you might consider a new vaccine to be deemed safe enough to take? You often refer to unforeseen medium/long term side effects as a reason to not partake (which is reasonable enough).

What kind of period of time should “we” wait to see how things evolve? 5 years, 10 years, until all those that trialled it die out?

@Dextrous63 I just have a bad feeling about these new types of vaccines Dex, but especially this hastily cobbled together covid vaccine. I am quite convinced as to its effectiveness in containing the mortality rate and hospital admissions, but I wonder at what cost in the future. And the lengths the establishment is going to in promoting its use. When they start offering financial incentives and junk food to take the vaccine, alarm bells are sounding… :bell: :bell: :bell:

@OldGreyFox I get all that. But you have yet to actually answer my question.

@Dextrous63 I’m quite happy to go with the recommended time scale which I believe is three years Dex…

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One of my Turkish friends father and mother have had a third vaccine. They had the Chinese Sinovac. Turkey hope to have their own vaccine in use by the end of this year. Tests are being carried out now.