Using Facebook to manipulate opinion

I never miss an episode of ‘Battle Bots’ as an ex engineer I just marvel at the various constructions…
Sorry I digress… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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With everything in life one must keep in perspective, you use any service for the service it offers which best serves your needs / desires. I shop with purpose, and that purpose alone, and because of this I am not thrown off track by anything a merchant may attempt to entice me. Facebook has it’s uses, use for how it best serves your needs, just overlook that you are not interested in.

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Thanks for the condescending advice :wink:
I do find it easy to overlook what I am not interested in - which is why I have ditched Facebook - it no longer holds anything of interest for me! :smile:

Wasn’t meant to be condescending, sorry you took it as such.

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Forget FB, FR started with the right intentions, then the twats moved in, this mentality kills all the manifestations. :grin:

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I also quit facebook just months after joining back in the day Boot…Far too high maintenance for my liking. I didn’t intend spending the rest of my fast diminishing life siting behind a keyboard reading about somebody else’s adventures…I love this forum where you can spend as much, or as little time as you wish, and nobody misses you while you participate in your own adventures. But I do find it very stimulating to describe those adventures to people on here…

bot producers are probably bots too. You set off code writing code and that’s where the problem lies. Nobody will know how anything works in the long term.

Oh, but folk do notice when you don’t post for a while - you and I disagree on many things, Foxy, but I do miss you when you don’t post! :kissing_heart:

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Thanks Boot, much appreciated… :+1:
I look in every day unless there is a serious reason why not…Heart Attack would just about qualify…Not much else…
I don’t always post although I like to help to keep the good morning thread alive.
I’ve stopped commenting on some of the topics I used to, life’s too short, and it gets shorter each time I have a serious heart event…I’m a man of habit though, and as long as as this forum is available, I’ll always be lurking in the wings…Unless Azz bans me for some indiscretion… :flushed:

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I’ve missed you sometimes but it’s hard to throw a brick from here.


Sticks and Stones Mr Smith…

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If you limit FB to those you are related to or close friends, then in my experience, there are no problems.


I use Facebook and Instagram as a resource for my photography, which has been extremely useful for me and has enabled me to make contacts, that has recently lead to me doing some paid commissioned work, which came in handy.

After all the years I’ve been doing photography, thanks largely in part to Facebook, I can consider myself semi-professional, although I’m a little way from fully professional.

I make it a hard rule not to get sucked into garbage and cheap conspiracy theories and other nonsense which comes with social media.

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How do you tell the difference between a conspiracy theory and an observation that turns out to be true Graham?

Quote by Elon Musk on X(twitter)

The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.

The other platforms accepted that deal.

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Most of us have known that all along Galty, especially concerning the covid vaccines and man made climate nonsense. Only the gullible believe the propaganda, and the media are full of it.

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Good reply from Nigel.

(34) Nigel Farage Praises Elon Musk Over European Commission Stance On X Blue Ticks | Alex Phillips - YouTube

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(36) :rotating_light: LIVE: Elon Musk Takes EU To Court :fire: - YouTube

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See nothing wrong with this. Just something to consider; common sense debate on a totally out of control invasion. What are politicians afraid of, clearly EU’s [not surprisingly] dictatorial stance, another attempt to suppress free speech, ideas, clarity for individuals to form their own opinions.

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