Update on Holly

Thanks Barry. What can you do but keep trying, eh?

I welcome the virtual hug and your best wishes. Thank you again.

Aw Jazzi :frowning: I feel for you too I really do xx

Can I ask what colour is the diarrhea and is it bile or regurgitated food.

Thank you Meg.

Can I ask what colour is the diarrhea and is the vomit yellow bile or regurgitated food.

Oh, the poor wee darling.
And you too.
I really hope this can be sorted quickly.
And I hope it’s a quiet evening for you both.

Diarrhoea is light brown, and the vomit was regurgitated food.

She had the d. again a short while ago, and was whimpering afterwards, trying to scramble over the top of my pc tower, to get behind the desk. Had she succeeded, it would have been a job retrieving her, so had to grab her quickly. She also scrabbled in her bedding, so I took the blankets out of the bed, and she stopped and moved away.

She is back sleeping now.

Poor little Holly - what a time she is having. I hope the vet can sort her out.

You must be tired and worried, Jazzi.

(((((((((((((((((((((((Big Hugs for you both)))))))))))))))))))))

Oh heavens Jazzi, just when things were looking so much better.
What a worry.

Has she got to go back in the morning regardless of how she is?


Oh yes, for the xray. I kept asking the vet that, for confirmation, or clarification, that I was to take her in.

Thanks everyone. Yes I am tired, and quite tearful.

Jazzi I am so sorry to hear that Holly isn’t well again, it must be such a worry for you, I can well imagine how upset you must be. I do hope that your Vet can get to the bottom of this problem quickly, once and for all, and that Holly is soon well and stays that way. It must be so distressing for both you and Holly.

I hope this ordeal is over quickly for both of you.

Yes, I bet you are. I’m so sorry to hear this.

If she has swallowed something though, sooner they can find it the better. Poor little soul. Poor you.

Hope it is better news tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Sending you both lots of hugs Jazzi xxxxxxx

She is still feeling poorly and restless this morning. Thankfully she has just taken a large amount of water, her first, it seems.

Gave her a small amount of chicken earlier, then some scrambled egg (she wouldn’t finish it). Shortly sfterwards she started whimpering and was trying to get into corners again, so I shut her in the run, she sat down and yowled at me (with a funny rrrrrrrrrr sound), I let her out, and she settled. I can’t wait to get to the vets at 11.

She has been a bit cuddly. I am at a complete loss.

Took her outside quickly but she just stood about, junped up at the neighour from next block who arrogantly stalked past (she stopped talking to me many years ago over a satellite dish!), but apart from that, I don’t know what else to do.

Thank you for your kind words.

That’s a worry Jazzi. Sounds like she is in pain for some reason.

If they are going to x-ray, I assume they will have to knock her out first, so did they say not to feed her before the anaesthetic? I know I can’t feed mine then.

Good luck at the vets, let’s hope they can sort her out soon, it must be very worrying.

Just had an afterthought, she hasn’t swallowed a squeaker out of a toy by any chance? My Gertie is always de-squeaking toys!

Hi Jazzie :slight_smile: hope all goes well at the vets this morning , will be thinking of you both

Jazzi, I know how you feel because ,. when your pet is ill and can’t tell you how they feel you just don’t know how to help them.
Poor little Holly is obviously suffering, so comes to you, and you don’t know how to make her feel better. I hope the vet finds some answers for you and can treat her, but if he can’t keep asking questions!

I am sure that many of us will be waiting to hear what he says, not only for Holly’s benefit, but for yours too!

Won’t do any harm but if you can get a bit of diluted honey into her it will help keep her sugars and electrolytes up. Keep her going while she’s unwell.
You’ve been through so much in such a short time with her, sending hopeful thoughts and virtual hugs to you both.

I agree Twink. I do hope it’s good news and something that is easily remedied.

Hi folks.

Sorry for the delay but I have had to quickly whip round with the hoover, change my bed, get it washed, and clean all flooring and her run. But after leaving the vets, I went to the Tescos next door, then Morrisons, and also had a leisurely sandwich and a latte! Oh, bliss.

Ok. She has been kept in and put on iv fluids, with more treatment as yesterday. She (Carolina) has just called to say xray and blood tests were both normal, and she didn’t need sedating. The bill will be around £450 and fortunately my insurance should cover it, because it is a new problem, and the policy started 10 December, with the first 14 days not covered.

She seems happy, she said, and is eating and wagging her tail, and I shall go back around 7pm, to bring her home. If she doesn’t vomit later, vet will give her a worming tablet (to cover for fleas as well) as she is due.

She is being given a different food as she turned her nose up at the Hills I/D so if she tolerates the new one then vet will prescribe more.

That’s good new Jazzi, but just wondering why Holly has always got the runs.

Hopefully she will like her new diet.