Before your time Todgy !!
Cant you see the advantages of automatic tax collection surely
an enhanced VAT system is better than having to chase tax
payers all over the world to get whats owed??
If you spend it, you ay it !
Simple, no more claiming expenses etc ??
I like that idea Donkeyman, the more you spend, the more tax you pay. But whatever happened to the idea of putting road tax on each gallon of petrol you filled up with. The more you drive, the more road tax you pay. Seemed a very fair idea to me…
What you show there Brucy is what used to be classified as a
People not spending needlessly?
People putting mnoy away for a rainy day ?
People cutting down on borrowing ?
Inotice the ozzies are still pissing it up though !!
I dont think you can remember the British Canteens can you
Todgy ??
There used to be one in every high street and in quite few back
streets as well !!
Half our street used to eat there for quite a while .
So do I, but, that belief for me has been there for many years, not just a reaction to present circumstances, something will trigger it, based on previous assumptions, maybe not this crisis.