Tory council leaders point finger at Johnson after election losses blamed on Partygate

Local Conservative leaders have urged Boris Johnson to consider his position, after losing flagship London councils to Labour and council seats across the south of England to the Lib Dems, with several blaming Partygate and the cost of living crisis.

In a boost for Labour, it took control of several Tory flagship councils in London, including Wandsworth for the first since the 1970s and Westminster and Barnet for the first time since their creation in 1964.

Johnson’s party was swept aside by Labour in Cumberland and Southampton, as well as losing control of West Oxfordshire and Portsmouth, with the Liberal Democrats becoming the largest party.

By 9am on Friday, the Tories had lost 122 seats in England – one in six contested – suggesting about 250 lost overall.

John Mallinson, the Conservative leader of Carlisle city council, told the BBC he had “lost some very good colleagues” in the Cumberland local election, and had found it “difficult to drag the debate back to local issues” while campaigning because of Partygate and the cost of living crisis.

He also criticised the “patronising” comments of George Eustice, the environment secretary, who had suggested people struggling to buy food should opt for value brands.

He added: “I think it is not just Partygate, there is the integrity issue. Basically I just don’t feel people any longer have the confidence that the prime minister can be relied upon to tell the truth.” Asked if Conservative MPs should remove Johnson, he said: “That would be my preference, yes.”

The number of seats lost by the Tories may be less than some had predicted but the scale of loss is significant for the message it sends to party leading members - there is a problem and the problem is BJ.

Meanwhile, news from BJ:
PM: Voters’ message is to focus on issues

Boris Johnson admits his party faced a “mixed set of results” overnight as the votes for local elections in England were counted.

Speaking on a visit to a school in London, the PM says it was a “tough night in some parts of the country”, but also says the Conservatives were making “remarkable gains” elsewhere.

He adds: “The big lesson, the message from voters about what they want us to do… is to focus on the big issues that matter to them.”

Part of that, he says, is energy security, especially as bills soar, as well as his existing “agenda” on increasing the number of nurses and police officers.

I have not yet located the “remarkable gains” … :017:

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“Partygate” is a red herring. Surely the real issue is, or should be, the constant LIES from Dorris in the case of this and everything else.


In some ways I can sympathise with local Tory guys taking the backlash for Johnson

Local council elections are weird because it should be based on local stuff

Sometimes you can get someone you think is a good councillor even if you don’t like the party they’re from

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Well I’ve not long ago heard that the Tories have taken Harrow from Labour, so there’s one.

And this article might help you:

BJ has had his nose bloodied - the stab in the back from the Party will come sooner rather than later … :wink:


Yes, I agree - I said something similar in another thread.
When we’re voting in a local Council for the next 4 years, I think it’s important to think about how the people we are voting for will serve the needs of our own particular ward or region - the needs of very rural areas are so different from densely populated urban areas, for example.

We often get to know more about local councillors and can see the work they do in the community more clearly than when we are voting for MP candidates in general elections.
I don’t see the point of turning local Council elections into a “protest vote” about National Government or in voting rigidly along party lines.

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It’s tempting, because if the party has disappointed you, you want to let them know it!

But you do get some really good local councillors from all parties and it always seems a shame to me when people who have been working for the community for years get thrown out because of the National party

If you’ve got a good ‘un, hold on to them

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If they need any help with that ……, :rofl::wink:


Oh I do hope so.

they picked him now must ship him!

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