Hi Everybody feeling sad because it makes 20 years now since my mom passed away (she passed away on Jan. 16, 2005) at the age of 71 due to cancer
Sending a BIG hug to you Didi69.
Anniversarys of our loved one`s passing is always a difficult time.
26 years for my mom and 18 years for my dads passing.
I do feel for you.
Hi Brokenvows; thank you and sorry to hear about your parents, it will make 15 years in September for my Dad Sending You A Hug
Warmest wishes to you Didi.
My heartfelt sympathy, Didi. Having been 71 is way too early.
In April it’ll be the same anniversary of my mother but she was lucky to be 88. What comforts me is that I’m sure she wouldn’t object to anything I have done since and that, OTOH, she was spared from certain unpleasant developments as she had had to bear her own fate.
My Mom’s been gone for twenty-eight years. She died the day after my birthday. She always called me on my birthday, but didn’t, the last time she was still around. i just figured she was busy, and thought I’d talk to her the next day. I profoundly regret that birthday when I didn’t call her. Don’t put things off, folks. Do it now!
My thoughts are with you and everyone missing their mum
Oh, Didi, I am so sorry that this is such a difficult day for you.
We aren’t ever prepared to give up our moms.