Time travel: could we be visited from humans from the future

We do twice a year when the clocks go forward an hour and back an hour.


Never sure why we still do this, certainly puts my body clock in a muddle.

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I totally agree with you Cinderella,it drives me mad tbh.

Am fascinated by the idea of alternate timelines, parallel universes.

Time travel is possible now. I have experienced it many times and have photographic evidence.

The time where I am standing to take the photo is 11.02am however it is 11.32am where my car is.

In that photo my friend is an hour away from me - she is it thinking it is 12:07pm whereas for me it is only 11:07am. Between us is the time portal from Queensland to NSW


As a kid I wanted one of these, seriously stylish in a vintage kind of way…

Alas, I don’t have a driving licence and never will…


Mmmmm… :017: Throws up a load more questions Cinders…If we could travel back in time, does that mean we could alter history? And could we direct the future?
If it was possible to travel back in time…Why isn’t someone here from the future?
“You can’t alter the laws of Physics Jim”… :009:


We have one lifespan…what we do with our allotted time is largely up to each and every one of us!
Time travel, no thanks!

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Soul travelling an intriguing thought. Like dreaming.

Another theory.

Time travel…hmm…not sure I’m a fan. If things hadn’t happened when they did, I wouldn’t be where I am now… glances around in confusion

There was a movie a few years ago about a parallel planet with “other” versions of us existing there. I was quite fascinated…but does the Universe really need two me’s? :thinking: :smile:

Dreams are random strings of information in the brain usually precipitated by protein in the diet.
Because the strings are random, dreams usually make no sense.
UFO’s are as the acronym suggests…Unidentified Flying Objects Unidentified to the observer, it doesn’t mean they originate from somewhere out in space…They should be re labelled as Unidentified Man Made Objects. :009:

UFO,s, are more commonly referred as UAP,s, unidentified aerial phenomenon, they could be man made, a natural phenomenon or visitors from outer space…until we have positive proof of what they are they remain…unidentified…

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If you take a nice long cruise from Hawai’i to Antartica, you can cross the International Date Line 7 times.

But this is an even niftier consideration: All of history is still bouncing around there on the electromagnetic spectrum. Though you can’t go faster than the speed of light to turn around and look back to see it, what if enough gravity bent spacetime to wrap around to the point in which you could see the past? It’s an interesting idea.


An alternative universe would be boring, no Kissograms just parallelograms :smiley:

I once put instant coffee in a microwave and nearly went back in time…

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i tried putting the car in reverse and went backwards for half a mile, amount of petrol didn’t increase

That’s because you should have reversed in the direction you were already travelling in!!!

erm gotcha

I feel quite please that I understood that at this time in the morning! :smiley:

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You understood it Pixie?.. :017: