A scooter that goes 70mph. NO THANKS. I like my limbs attached!!
I don’t like the things at all … they’re plain damn dangerous.
Where’s you spirit of adventure Danny.
That’s the prize you get when you win the Darwin Award.
I left it behind somewhere around 50mph.
Only if it’s got DRS
Wow, that looks fun, I’d love a go, but that is scary fast and they’re bloody dangerous if people go on the pavement.
I think they should licence them, make helmets compulsory and let them on the roads and in the cycle paths
My mates pretend they don’t know me when they see me but I have got one without a motor that you just kick along………
Do you think the manufacturers of these scooters care if someone get injured or killed riding one? of course they don’t. Why on earth the government ban them beats me, what are our heath and safety gov dept doing about it? nothing.
I can see a headline " Scooterist killed on motorway doing 80 MPH" Think I am joking? wait and see
Blow that for a game of soldiers Think I’ll stick to the one I had as a kid with outriders.
you still need to take more care at your age…
More my speed.
Oi! are you two calling me a dog?

Oi! are you two calling me a dog?
There was a dog?
Nope no dogs here…
what you call that a wheelie?
Spin the Wheel on UK Tv at the mo…
Its quite good fun really…