The vegetable garden 2023

@Barry quite so Barry, the problem has been finding a good replacement compost I have had some horrors particularly during the pandemic when compost was in short supply. One lot I bought had large pieces of wood in it .
‘‘Which’’ Say Fertile Fibre Original Seed Compost which is rather expensive and Moorland Gold Seed & Cutting Compost which is a lower price and for multi purpose Homebase Peat Free Multi-Purpose Compost which I can buy down the road in Ledbury.

ETA I have a new garden pest that will do its best to dig up anything I plant.

Any resemblance to a schnauzer trim is accidental :laughing:


But what a handsome pest it is though Meg… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

BTW I am using a peat free multi compost from the local garden centre that seems to be reliably OK, and though there are a few fine sticks and hard lumps they are few and far between…

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I have made a deal with the young chap who cut my shrubs and then rotavated my allotment, that he will drop off some grass cuttings from gardens he sees to. Said I can start another compost heap. I think he’s going to do the first lot this week. Once I get home, I can pop over to my plot and see where he’s put it, and how much. I want to buy another dalek type composter one month. Have one in the garden for now.

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Had a good day in the garden today, a real feel of spring in the air so I planted my onion and shallot sets, my broad bean seedlings and some mangetout seeds. If it’s nice over the weekend though I really must weed around the raspberry plants, it’s looking pretty unkempt at the moment! I will probably do a before and after shot to make sure I am shamed into doing a proper job of it… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A very delightful pest :heart_eyes:

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My efforts so far. Still in the spare room for now. Hopefully going into pots outside on the side roof in a couple of weeks. I’ve also just sown long stemmed carnations and different varieties of cucumber and tomato today.

Thinking of blitzing the raised beds with carrots. I have had absolutely no luck with carrots so far. The most successful was about half an inch long! Perhaps if they take over a whole bed there will be at least one carrot at the end of the season.

Unfortunately the cats think the raised beds are a special outside loo their loving owners have installed…


Seedlings looking good @AnnieS:+1:

I’ve just fixed the lawn tractor for Rosemary and I’ve set some more seeds in trays, kohl rabi (never tried this before but looks an interesting vegetable), some celery and some beetroot. I normally start beetroot in the raised beds, but I thought I’d play it safe this year and get some germinated inside and then harden them off for a couple of weeks before planting out…

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Barry, I adore kohl rabi but only got purple. Need to get some on Amazon. Roast it.

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It’s the purple skinned variety that I have Jan, it was amongst some heritage seeds that one of our sons bought me for an Xmas gift… :blush:

I buy the green variety, and used to grow it back in London.

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I was in the kitchen most of the morning, but when I’d finished baking I managed an hour in the garden for some weeding around the raspberry canes. Here’s the before and after…



Er indoors has decided to do away with most of our veg plot and I don’t blame her with the type of soil we have here, Still going to use the small greenhouse though for some veg.might try a couple of marrows and tomatoes again this year. Grandchildren want some melons so those as well

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It’s amazing what you can get in a small space RS, I will look forward to seeing your greenhouse full of lovely things in the summer, but you could also grow lots of things in containers as well if your soil is rubbish. :wink:

if you remember I demolished an old wood log store to create space for the new greenhouse. I had already decided to have a base that was solid against just on earth so stopping muddy feet etc.
so cleared out the site and laid paving slabs 7x5ft

I would have liked one larger but space did not permit. So now have had that green house up for a couple of more years. Sue was only going to have one of those plastic sheet type ones but I insisted on a proper glass one as I managed to find one the right size. Sue tends to spend quite a bit of time pottering about, so I think she agrees I made the right choice. Having a water butt right behind it is better than from a cold outside water tap

red slab cut to more or less fit space behind to keep large earthenware pot on when not wanted.

Believe it or not clearing the site took 60 plastic bags like these in total . had to dig down as well to get good base footings

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Planted some more seeds today but directly into the raised beds this time, parsnips, carrots and spring onions. They say we are in for a couple of cold nights next weekend so I’ll cover the tender things over with some horticultural fleece for a bit of extra protection. :man_farmer:

very nice! Are you available for hire? :smiley:

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That’s a very impressive cucumber! :face_with_monocle: :wink:

Haha, I am @AnnieS , but I’m very cheap these days in fact I only charge tea and cakes, so there is quite a long waiting list… :smile:

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Today I’ve managed to plant a couple of rows of carrots and beetroot now that the weather is a bit milder and it’s stopped raining for bit.

The tomato, pepper and cucumber seedlings are looking a bit stronger now so I’ve put them in the greenhouse to grow on in pots.

The broad beans are looking good, although no signs yet of the onion and shallot sets starting, perhaps a little more warmth will do them good now that the weather is milder.

The fruit bushes are all budding nicely now and the rhubarb is shooting ahead, I might even pull a few sticks next week for a crumble, yummy… :smiley:


My friend gave me a pot of this wild garlic he’s been propagating

Anyone have it in their garden and any tips on growing it?