The UK cities that rejected calls to ‘get back to the office’

I meet quite a few “workers from home” out on the Golf Course.

They do their best to carry out their work, checking their mobiles as they move from greens to tees, typing on their laptops, outside on the forecourt/lunch areas, hurrying off to collect their kids from school.

They must do much of their work in the evenings?

Tough Life.

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In my job as a care assistant I have to do house calls, we have been asked to base ourselves from home rather than go into the office ,it was all supposed to be in readiness for the next lockdown if that ever was to happen.

I’m doing Team call meetings, online courses, and paperwork all online which usually I would do in the office.Even our expenses are done online,we just scan and mail our receipts in.
I imagine it’s cheaper for business and cash starved councils to get staff to wfh rather than pay rent etc for a expensive offices,especially now that the cost of heating and everything else has skyrocketed.

I personally don’t mind as it means I actually get a lie in as I save on the travelling time plus I can plan my days better especially as I sometimes have to check on my elderly neighbours.

Do I miss my colleagues ? well we have a Whatsapp group and Teams…so no not really.

I think this will be the future now for most jobs.

The only issue is that I do find myself working in my own time doing paperwork,etc.If I did that in the office I’d be getting paid overtime.

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Working from home definitely depends on your circumstances, I don’t think any job I have had during my life could have been done from home (though in the latter stages some parts of it could but not all).

I can’t imagine how difficult it would be for a person with children around working from home.

Personally I enjoyed the social life at work too and this often spilled over into out of work activities.

I have an Office, the build was documented on here, have no chance of working from it. :laughing: :biking_man:

You have a man cave then…officially called an “office”

Did you know that Virtual offices exist. You rent an actual offices address for your letters to go to, and you get to use their phone number, but the calls get re-routed through to your own phone. Gives the whole “professional” feeling without the expense.

Its too late for “Professional” here. :laughing: :walking_man: :biking_man:

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